Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts

Monday 12 June 2017

The Fiance Who Loves His Girl's Friends To Bits

As Ife helped her companions into an extend Hummer she'd composed to take them all to the dance club where they'd arranged a "hen" party for Fade, her closest companion, she had no notion of the bad dream that would later unfurl. "We'd begun drinking from another companion's home where we had all gathered. When we got to the club near midnight, we were slushed. The music was boisterous, as were we – and the discussion got increasingly blue as the night went on. A great deal of men came up and requesting that we move. They needed to know who the hen was for and whether she needed a 'last piece of fun' before getting hitched", Ife said. Ill defined man ''It was riotous and well-meaning yet I was mindful so as not to get excessively lively with the folks. I was next on the rundown to get hitched and was frantically enamored with my hubby-to-be, Mayowa. We'd known each other from our optional school years and stayed companions until he went off to college. As so frequently happens, we floated separated and didn't see each other again until a year prior to when we met very by shot, amid a night out with companions. "Things grabbed before long from that point and we turned into a thing. He was beguiling, smart and better than average organization. Every one of my companions loved him and were excited when, after only a time of going out, he requesting that I wed him. Mayowa appeared to like my companions as well, and appreciated their conversation. 1 was soon to discover he delighted in it rather excessively! It's regularly the situation when a gathering of young ladies go out on the town that at a certain point, one of them will get spent and dreadful – because of a lot of alcohol. That night was the same and it was Nkechi, a great companion who was looking sullen. "You know you're a fortunate young lady to have Mayowa," she slurred. 'I know,' I concurred with her, not having any desire to gloat but rather pleased to hear one of my companions sing the commendations of my beguiling life partner. 'He's tall, attractive, fit body,' proceeded with Nkechi, 'and great in bed too … " The music was uproarious however I was certain I'd heard right. I was stunned. I snatched her by the wrist and requested, 'what did you simply say?' She took a gander at me with smashed eyes and spat, 'you heard me. Your Mr. Flawless is no holy person you know.' Despite the commotion of the music, whatever is left of our gathering could hear the climate was turning monstrous. "1 got Nkechi's augmentations and pulled back her head. 'You're making this up. Why are you running my life partner down?' Bouncers appear to have an intuition with regards to inconvenience and are spot hands at getting it out of their bar as fast as could reasonably be expected. Two of them showed up from no place and remained amongst Nkechi and I and urged us to proceed with our spat outside. "I was somewhat combative at this stage. "I would not!' I started before a solid arm wrapped around me and I was half guided, half conveyed to the entryway. Nkechi developed seconds after me. The general population attempting to get into the bar recognized what was coming next and they cheered as I went for her. That is the point at which another companion Julie arrived. Seeing things could get truly dreadful, she endeavored to play peacemaker. She bombed pitiably. 'Goodness gone ahead both of you,' she argued. 'Quiet down before the police are called. Go ahead Ife, don't demolish your closest companion's hen night. How about we go elsewhere … " That's when Nkechi dropped her second stunner. 'The truth is out Julie; quiet everything down. You wouldn't need Ife to get some answers concerning you and Mayowa … " It hit me like a punch. Julie was my best and most-put stock in companion. She would have been my cleaning specialist of respect. Unquestionably she hadn't laid down with Mayowa as well? I took a gander at her and the appropriate response was in her eyes, I was stunned. 'Why you … " I shrieked, propelling myself at her. She's 

Stories continue
somewhat taller than me, however I was started up with fierceness and she lurched back as I collided with her. I was ambiguously away that the general population outside the club were going crazy. It more likely than not been a significant floor appear for them. "The bouncers swam in again and right then and there a squad car moved up. Spending the night in a cell was not something I fancied, so I constrained myself to quiet down. In any case, the fury inside me was appalling. At last, after the police had addressed us and convinced me not to tear both Julie and Nkechi's heads off, I stepped off down to the corner where a couple taxicabs were arranged. " As late as it was the point at which I returned home, I needed to call Mayowa and go up against him. In any case, what was the point? I comprehended what Nkechi said was valid. It wasn't something she would lie about The following day was terrible. Hung over and tearstained, I made myself not too bad for the encounter that was to come. Gratefully, the wrath had ebbed away in the night, however I was left with a yawning sentiment vacancy. When Mayowa let me into his level, I instructed him to overlook the wedding, letting him know of my two companions' admissions. Amazingly, he attempted to ignore it and guaranteed that he'd quite recently laid down with my companions in the wake of having excessively to drink. He revealed to me it was no major ordeal, that a considerable measure of men do it with their sweethearts' companions. "Did I know this man by any means? Perhaps Nkechi and Julie have helped me out. I positively would prefer not to be hitched to a man who can't keep his pants up after two or three brews. What could have been a night to practice my own particular hen-party had transformed into the most noticeably bad night of my life. "Since we are both in our mid-twenties and by and large, we may have hurried into things a bit. Presently I need to begin searching for an appropriate accomplice, and with What I'd quite recently experienced, it will be a hell of an exertion

Tuesday 30 May 2017


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So what?
I get into an argument with a man, he slaps me, I feel the pain, yet they tell me I provoked him. I should have been quiet, I should have been patient. I should apologize to him.

I get into an argument with a man, I slap him, they tell me I have no respect, no home training. I should have been quiet, I should have been patient. I should apologize to him.
Because I am a woman, I don't have a right to be angry. So, the degree of my innocence is directly proportional to the degree of my silence in the face of oppression and brutality.....

Because I am a woman, my husband cheats on me, I am told to tolerate it to save my marriage. The barbaric and stupid excuse is that ''it is in their nature to cheat, I should slim down, dress better, cook better, pray harder and be more pleasant to him"

I cheat, and I am called a whore, I have committed an abomination, I have no right to look elsewhere for the love and emotional support I lack at home, I am an irresponsible mother.

So I am sent packing, from the home we both built, with all my earthly possessions stuffed into a tiny box on my head. I am henceforth forbidden from seeing my two older children, I'm lucky to be allowed to go with my little one still suckling on my left breast. Three years later, the little one is tagged a bastard. Now, my new name is "after-three", because I am a woman.

He is 28 and runs a company. He's tagged wonderful, hardworking, focused, career oriented, successful at a very young age.

I am 28 and I run a company "Hmmmm.... she is not even married, unserious, can not order her priorities right, a hustler, loves money, let her go and get a husband oh"
And I wonder if being successful has anything to do with a person's gender.

Because I am a woman,
I am not allowed to have wits or be a prodigy, I cannot be financially buoyant, professionally successful or be treated with respect without a man beside me.

Then I am tagged a generous leg opener, "a runs girl". They never see the possibility that I actually had to go through ups and downs to get to where I am, because I am a woman.

A man looses his wife to death and remarries a year after, he did the right thing, he's being praised and congratulated for moving on, after all life is for the living.

A woman looses her husband to death and remarries after 4yrs, "aaah! so early? Are u sure she wasn't sleeping with that man even when her husband was alive? That was why she killed her husband. She's a witch! Because she's a woman.

A Very Humbling Experience

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A very humbling experience ....

Amitabh Bacchan says... "At the peak of my career, I was once travelling by plane. The passenger next to me was an elderly gentleman dressed in a simple shirt and pants. He appeared to be middle class, and well educated.

Other passengers  perhaps recognising who I was, but this gentleman appeared to be
unconcerned of my presence... He was reading his paper, looking out of the window, and when tea was served, he sipped it quietly.

Trying to strike a conversation with him, I smiled. The man courteously smiled back and said 'Hello'.
We got talking and I brought up the subject of cinema and movies and asked, 'Do you watch films?'
The man replied, 'Oh, very few. I did see one many years ago.'

I mentioned that I worked in the movie industry.
 The man replied.." oh, that’s nice. What do you do?' I replied, 'I am an actor ' The man nodded, 'Oh,  that's wonderful!'

And that was it...
When we landed, I held out my hand and said, " It was good traveling with you. By the way, my name is Amitabh Bacchan!'

The man shook my hand
and smiled, "Thank you... nice to have met you..
I am J.R.D. Tata!" (French born Indian Biz man. Billionaire and Aviator founder of Tata motors  and Air india).

I learned on that day that no matter how big you think you are, there is always someone BIGGER.
Be HUMBLE, it costs nothing.

Friday 19 May 2017

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 2(Must Read)

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 4(Must Read)
Bode was the closest to me among all the choir members. I could see in him, a younger brother I never had. My school was not so far to the church, so sometimes after service or singing practise, he would say “Aunty Sewa, I’m coming to your place to eat o”. I would tell him to come, since I really didn’t know how to prepare one man meal, I was always having leftover. He was only 20yrs old then, while I was 24. He was a 200 level student of College of Education, Okene, and a native of Oyan where I was serving. When I first got to the church, his school was on break. Before we could really get to know each other, his break was over, so he went back to school. About a month after he left, I saw him in church one Sunday morning. *And then the story of my life changed..* I asked him why he came home so soon, he told me he had not paid his school fees and that his parents were not able to give him the money. I got to know that his dad was an old farmer, and his mum, a petty trader at Oyan market. Money was never my problem, because besides the allowance I was receiving from NYSC, my dad was always sending money into my account without my sisters’ knowledge. He would say he didn’t want me to suffer since I was far from home. So, I asked him the amount he needed. He told me, and I told him to come and meet me in school the next day, so we could go to bank together to withdraw the money. I withdrew almost everything I had in my account, gave him his school fees, transport fare and a token as pocket money, and he was very happy. His mum came later to show her appreciation on behalf of the family and that was what really brought us closer.
Whenever he was away in school, he would be sending text messages to me, thanking me for helping him. Sometimes, he would send me message that he went to bed the previous night with an empty stomach, and out of compassion, I would quickly send him any amount I could afford to buy foodstuff, and as usual, he would appreciate me. Soon, we were on Christmas break. I didn’t want to travel, but my dad insisted I should come to Lagos. After the break, I was supposed to return to Oyan in January. Daddy couldn’t give me enough money as he had spent a lot during the festive season. He expected me to still have some money in my bank account. He was taken aback when he asked me how much I had with me and I answered, “Nothing sir”. “You don’t mean it!. What are you using money for? Are you feeding more than your mouth? What did you do with the money I sent to your account last month?….Hun?.Tell me!.” Mummy and Sis Temi heard him as he was talking to me in annoyance.
Sis Temi came with her husband and daughter to visit our parents. She was busy chatting with mum, when they heard daddy raising his voice. The moment she heard that dad was sending money to me, she said “Da-dd-y!.So you’ve been sending money to Sewa every month!!..I am the first person to go on national service in this house and I remember if I didn’t ask you for money, you wouldn’t give me and I would have to give you the details of what I needed the money for, before you would give it.” “And you, (turning to me) what are you spending money on?.Have u bought a plot of land?. Oh! You want to build a house in Oyan right?.Is that not so?” My compassion for Bode resulted into spending all my money on him almost led into a fight in my family that fateful day. But then, what was I not doing right?........ Watch Out For Episode 3.

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 8(Must Read)

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 4(Must Read)
After the action, I locked the door behind him and started weeping. I wept till my eyeballs turned red and my head began to ache. I was confused, I didn’t know what to do, I was just weeping. I couldn’t even pray, I never thought I could do such a thing. i thought I was strong enough to stand. Oh my God!…How wrong I was!!. The next day was Friday, I couldn’t go to school. I had headache, so I called my HOD to inform her I would be absent. She promised to tell the Principal and wished me quick recovery. I couldn’t attend d burial nor singing practise on Saturday, I just locked myself up in my room and was weeping from time to time. On Sundays, I was unusually absent from church. Some choir members came to check on me after service. They met me under my blanket, shivering. Now I had developed emergency fever. One of them quickly called Pastor Williams who rushed down to my place with his wife. They took me to the health centre. I was treated on malaria, given some drugs and injection, and was told to come on Monday and Tuesday to complete the injection. The Williams brought me back home and asked if I wouldn’t mind to go with them to their place, so I wouldn’t be the only one at home, I declined. So, they left after praying for me.
I slept off and woke up late in the night. Now I felt like eating something. I looked at my phone, it was 11.17pm. I got up, ate bread with fruit juice and went back to bed. I couldn’t sleep. I was turning from right to left, left to right on the bed. Again, I remembered *“Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed, lest he fall”* I started weeping again. I thought I was standing, now I have fallen. I so much trusted myself, I was so careless. I opened my mouth and began to pray “Lord, Forgive me….have mercy on me….” I didn’t even know when I slept off. When I woke up, I knew I had a dream in which I saw Pastor Mrs Williams talking to me, but I couldn’t remember a single word out of everything she said. As I was trying to recollect what she was telling me in the dream, I heard a gentle voice in my spirit, "Go and open up to her" …. “Ahhhh!.How on earth would I be able to do that? I cant Lord!.I cant!!.”. v I didn’t hear the voice again, at least at that moment. The next thing I heard was a knock on my door. “Who is that?”..I spoke softly. I didn’t hear any response from the other end. I moved to the door, unlocked it, and opened.Guess who was standing there. Watch out for Episode 9

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 7(Must Read)

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It was Bode that woke me up the following morning. He told me his dad’s burial had been for the next weekend, and there’s no money. He told me how his dad’s family members started blaming his mum for not giving them adequate information about his dad’s illness before the old man eventually passed away. All these stories made me love the woman more. At last, he decided to go. I saw him off to the door, and he suddenly turned back, hugged me and gave me a peck. I came back to the room, and started thinking of how I could help Bode and his mum concerning the burial. The only source I had was my dad, but I wasn’t sure he would even send money again this month ending as I was having a feeling he sent the last one because of my birthday. But then, I wouldn’t be able to wait till the end of the month, to know if he would send money or not, as the burial was fixed for 29th April. So, then what can I do oooo?. “Oh Yes!..I have an idea. I will call my dad that I need money. But what if he asked what I needed it for, what would I say?.. “I will tell him somebody is sick and that the doctor said he needs surgery, but there’s no money, so, I wish I could render any little assistance within my reach…Can you be of help sir?”.
That was exactly what I did. He said “Who is this sick person?”. “It’s one of d ‘corpers’ sir”…I lied. “Ok. Since it’s something that has to do with life, I will try and send any amount I can between now and tomorrow. My regards to him. We’ll also remember him in our prayers”. “Thank you dad. Love you sir.” I hung up. Then, my conscience pricked me gently “You just told a lie!.. How disappointed would your dad be if he found out!.” I felt bad, but I quickly consoled myself by a thought “what could I have done?. How would he know?.Who will tell him?..he cant know!.” Almost immediately, I was relieved. I expected an alert from d bank throughout that day, to no avail, the following day too, no alert, but on d third day, I received an alert of 50,000naira. Wow!. I quickly called Bode after withdrawing the money, to come and meet me at home after school hours, by then, it was just two days to the burial, 7th April. When he got to my room, I said “How much have you been able to get now for the burial?.” He sai, "nothing", that his mum’s sister who promised to send an amount of money last week failed, but just received a message from her that morning that she would send 4,000naira. I opened my bag and gave him the 50,000 naira my dad sent.
He opened his mouth and couldn’t shut it. He held me very tightly, kissed me and before we both knew, we were both caressing each other!. Initially, I was somehow hesitant and uncomfortable, but it became more engaging and joyful with time. By the time I realised, we were both naked but the real deed had not been committed yet. As I laid on the bed, a thought came to mind saying, " Sewa, how can you do this, remember your vows and how people respect you, remember your holiness and spirituality, remember your family background, remember your big dreams, are you sacrificing all on the alter of sexual gratification, Sewa, remember your virginity, your honour". As these thoughts rushed through my mind within a millisecond, I made efforts to stand up, dress and drive that foolish boy away. But almost immediately, a different thought came to mind saying, " Ah Sewa, you've been a virgin from birth, this might be your only opportunity to test if the joy they talk about sex is really true. You might get it from nowhere if you let this go. Just try it. No one was really a virgin before they married, they lie, they all tried it first". This later thought crippled my conscience, I had no desire to resist again. By the time I came to my full senses, the first thrust was being made. It was painful at first but it subsided and became more accommodating with time. After about fifteen minutes, the deed had been done. I heard Bode crying and saying, "Sis Sewa, I am sorry, I never intended this, forgive me", still sobbing." I couldn't talk for the shame was too much for me than it was for him, I had covered my head in shame. He quickly dressed, took the money and sped off. I felt really bad, one, because I have lost my virginity in a short period of about fifteen minutes, two, because he took the money, as if I have paid him to have sex with me. In about a period of five hours, I was blaming myself, hitting my hands and head on anything I find. But who is to blame? Watch Out For Episode 8

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 6(Must Read)

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Then something happened. Bode lost his dad. It was then I got to know that the old man had more than one wife, as a matter of fact, he had four. One was late already, and Bode’s mum was the last and the only one living with him until he passed away. Among the children from the other wives, only few of them were educated, others were either bricklayers, drivers, carpenters, tailors or petty traders. It was only Bode’s mum that was struggling to send her children to school. She had three of them for the late farmer. Bode was the firstborn with two kid sisters who were still in high school. The one next to him was preparing to write WASSSCE when their dad passed away. It was announced in the church and we (choir members) decided to go and register our condolence with Bode and other members of the family. On getting there, I was so touched by the way I saw the widows sitting down on a mat, wearing black attire with bowls before each of them where people who came to sympathise with them put money. I said within me “if this kind of a thing should happen in my lifetime, I would NEVER allow my mum to be treated this way. This is humiliation in the highest order.Did these women conspire to kill the man?” Well, we greeted them. I didn’t even know what to say, as I never experienced such before. As the leader, I summoned courage, knelt down beside Bode’s mum and whispered into her ear “God will uphold you ma, He will send help to you from where you least expected. Please, be strong”. She said “Thank you my child. I really appreciate you”. I gave her an amount of money on behalf of the choir. She accepted it, appreciated us, and we left.
When I got home, I couldn’t stop thinking about the woman. “Oh!.She was so young. Why did she marry a polygamist?..a man old enough to be her father” There must be a reason. Whatever the reason might be, I felt for her. She was such a beautiful young woman!. “Never!.I can never go for that kind of a man, I will never allow any stupid love to blind-fold me. I can not even marry anybody from that kind of a family, see their house, the moment I stepped into the compound, I could vividly smell the stench of poverty. Where would I tell my dad I found that kind of a man?.Me?.I even trust myself..I,m more than that.” Then my mind went to what Pastor Mrs Williams told me the day she said she heard a rumour about Bode and me *“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.*
Fall? Fall for where? Falling is only meant for those who don’t stand well. Me, I can’t fall oo. I trust myself. I’ve been keeping myself since and I will continue to keep myself, I’ve determined that no man shall see my nakedness except my husband, and that wont happen until after marriage. That is it! Period! While talking to myself in this manner, I slept off. Then something came up. Watch out in Episode 7.

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 5(Must Read)

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“Who is that?”. I asked as I quickly came out of my thought. I opened the door, to my utmost surprise “It’s Bode o”…………Of course, I could recognise his voice. I quickly strapped myself in my night gown. “Come in, the door is not locked” I answered. Before he could enter, I sat on the bed, I adjusted my dress and brushed my hair backwards with my right hand. I wondered why he came back, after all he had been in my house since morning. When he entered, he sat down on a plastic chair in the room. He said his mum told him I came to buy ingredients from her the previous day, and that she loved my simplicity, and all those stuff. He said some other things, and upon all, I could get that he really didn’t have anything important to discuss with me, he only wanted to see my face again. Advertisement
When the time was moving to few minutes before 9pm, I told him to go, as it was getting too late, more so, his mum had been calling. Finally, he got up and said “Ok, Sis Sewa, good night”. He came over to where I was, and gave me a very tight and warm hug. I could sense a feeling from that hug, but I ignored it. Anyways, he left that night. I was so shocked that I even refused to see him off. But what was his plan? Is this little young boy having any ulterior motive? I will be a big fool to fall for his schemes if he has any. To be continue in Episode 6

Diary Of A Church Girl Part 4(Must Read)

Image result for the diary of a church girl
It was 1st of April, my birthday. Bisi and some of the sisters of National Service crew came to my house to help in the cooking. The birthday was fixed for 12pm, since we would be having choir practice by 5pm. We ate, drank and made merry. In fact, it was indeed a memorable occasion. I really enjoyed myself. Pastor Mrs Williams gave a short exhortation. She titled the message *Unique Grace*, citing practical examples from her own life experiences. We were all blessed. Despite the short notice, I was so surprised to see that some people still came with gifts. The most surprising one was the one sent to me from Bode’s mum. When Bode gave me the gift, I asked him how she knew because I remembered I didn’t tell her when I saw her in the market the previous day. He said he was the one that told her, and she said “no wonder she came to buy many ingredients yesterday!”..She then rushed inside her room and came out with a pack of 4 glass cups. “Help me to wrap this and give it to her, tell her I wish her long life and prosperity”. On hearing this, I automatically fell in love with the woman. I collected it from him with thanks and after the birthday, we went to church for the choir practice. We ended the practice around 7pm. Everybody left for their houses. Bode was discussing with one of the brothers when I left the church. Advertisement
I got to my room around 7.15pm, the sisters who cleaned the plates and utensils we used for the birthday did a thorough job. They tidied up everywhere, including my room, and set everything in place. I undressed, almost naked, laid on my bed, closed my eyes, thanking God for the day and everyone He used to make the day a lovely one. I heard a knock on the door. “Who is that?”. I asked as I quickly came out of my thought. I opened the door, to my utmost surprise, “It’s Bode o”………… To be continued in Episode 5.