Showing posts with label Today's thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Today's thought. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Days Pass Just Like A Dream

Days Pass Just Like A Dream

Thursday 25 May 2017

Orthodontists want integration of services into sector’s insurance, primary care

Image result for Orthodontists want integration of services into sector’s insurance, primary care
Orthodontist is a branch of dentistry that deals primarily with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of mal-positioned teeth and the jaws. As part of efforts to improve healthcare delivery in the country and mark the 2017 World Orthodontic Day (WOD), the NigerianAssociation of Orthodontist (NAO) has called for the integration of the specialty into the Primary Health Care (PHC) and National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) for easy accessibility. Orthodontist is a branch of dentistry that deals primarily with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of mal-positioned teeth and the jaws. President, NAO, Dr. Babatunde Ogunbayo, said the orthodontics addresses the issue of aesthetics, functions and speech. “We tend to pay more attention to aesthetics. Once you have crowding of the tooth, it leads to calculus and hole in the tooth and other periodontal issues which not addressed can lead to tooth loss.” 
Continue reading After This Break...
He added:“It dictates the cognisance of the whole personality. There is no age bracket, once you have teeth and jaw you can visit the orthodontist.The country is underserved and everybody wants to be in the urban area and that is the worry.” Ogunbayo continued: “It is a pity people travel to countries like Egypt, Sudan, Dubai, United Kingdom and United States for orthodontic care, it is part of our job to make the awareness happen. We will be visiting the six geographic zones to render care to the vulnerable as a means of giving back to the community.” The Secretary NAO, Dr. ToluwalaseYemitan, said that the specialty deals with the problem of arrangement of teeth. “What we do,it is all about awareness as orthodontist is part of health; it is not all about appearance.” Yemitan added that in other to make people understand the importance of health, government should initiate integration of orthodontics in primary healthcare which will make it cheaper and also shouldbe incorporated in the NHIS. She continued: “The public insurance should see it as essential not as aesthetics.Problems of bad arrangement of teeth can be nature or genetically modified. Taking out a baby’s early or tooth that failed to grow on time which can lead to distortion.” The secretary decried that orthodontics practice is very poor in Nigeria, with less than 50 specialists in the country. “Most of the challenges we face include lack of access, awareness and cost. Government should create oral health programme because if we have the patient scheme the awareness is already there and people can come around and access care,” she said.

Friday 19 May 2017


Image result for great lesson
Great Lesson to learn from

Tuesday 16 May 2017

When you die, don't worry.(Must read)

Image result for food for thought

When you die, don't worry.
Don't be concerned over your decaying body because people will take care of what is required.

Sunday 14 May 2017

A Letter to My Best Friend Glory on her Birthday@Explodedblog

Dearest Pretty  
Wish you a very happy , joyous and an auspicious Birthday. Three cheers
It feels like yesterday when we became friends. It’s been more than a decade. A decade of awesomeness. A decade of fun. A decade of learning. A decade of growing up and finally a decade of memories. Memories that are reminiscent of every moment spent together. Moments that will always be cherished

Thursday 11 May 2017

Great S*x secure (men only)

Image result for Great Sex secure
The average African man’s insatiable search for sexual knowledge is primarily driven by his quest to be the best on sex bed at any given time and he will do anything and everything to protect his penis and erection, because a good erection validates a man.
So today, we shall be providing some accessible facts and figures for better sexual awareness. This is because men hit their sexual peak at the age of 18. This is true, at least regarding a man’s supply of testosterone, although, peak hormone levels don’t equate to peak sexual performance. However, as he reaches his peak at that age, his sexual function also declines with age. As his testosterone level falls, it takes more to arouse him. And once aroused, he takes longer to get an erection and to achieve orgasm.
Age also brings marked declines in semen volume and sperm quality. As a matter of fact, erectile dysfunction or impotence is clearly linked to advancing years. Studies show that between the ages of 40 and 70, the percentage of potent men falls from 60 per cent to roughly 30 per cent. Men also experience a gradual decline in urinary function. A man’s urine stream weakens over time as a consequence of weakened bladder muscles and, in many cases, prostate enlargement. And that’s not all. Recent research confirms that even the penis itself undergoes significant changes as a man moves from his sexual prime; that is, around age 30 for most men into middle age and on to older age. The penis changes in appearance, in size and in functionality. Noticeably, the head of the penis (glans) gradually loses its fresh, lively colour; it looks more like a dry rough and scaly skin. This is as a result of reduced adequate blood flow to that area and there is also a slow loss of pubic hair. The pubic hair becomes scanty, faded in colour and unhealthy looking. As testosterone decreases, the penis gradually reverts to its pre-pubertal, mostly hairless state. The penis reduces in size and shrinks by the day as man gains weight and grows older. This is so because as fat accumulates on the lower abdomen, a large pre-pubic fat pad makes the penile shaft look shorter. Even in some cases, the abdominal fat completely buries the penis, giving it the appearance of the tip of the smallest finger index.
In addition to this apparent shrinkage (which is reversible; kindly call me for details), the penis tends to undergo an actual (and irreversible) reduction in size. This reduction is in both length and thickness and very noticeable. “If a man’s erect penis is 8 inches long when he is in his 30s, it might be 5 or 5 and a half inches when he reaches his 60s or 70s depending on the abdominal fat and the rate of reduction.
What causes the penis to shrink? Aside from the fact stated above, two mechanisms are involved. One is the slow deposit of fatty substances (plaques) inside tiny arteries in the penis, which impairs blood flow to the organ. This process, known as atherosclerosis, is the same one that contributes to blockages inside the coronary arteries, a leading cause of heart attack. Another mechanism involves the gradual build-up of relatively inelastic collagen (scar tissue) within the stretchy fibrous sheath that surrounds the erection chambers. Erections occur when these chambers are filled with blood. Blockages within the penile arteries and increasingly inelastic chambers mean smaller erections. And as penis size changes, so does the size of the testicles. Starting around age 40, the testicles definitely begin to shrink. The testicles of a 30-year-old man might measure 3cm in diameter and that of a 60-year-old, perhaps measures only 2cm.
Ironically, the posture of the penis also changes when good penis hygiene is not in place. Numerous studies have shown that the penis becomes less sensitive over time when the owner is very careless in taking good care of it, by exposing it to sexually transmitted diseases, or too much masturbation and indecent application to sex. The penis may also be less sensitive if it is injured and the tunica albuginea is torn. This is a fibrous sheath that is stretched during an erection. This kind of injury is called a “penile fracture,” and it mostly occurs during sexual activity. This can make it hard to achieve an erection and to have an orgasm and invariably renders orgasm less pleasurable.
This can also be as a result of low level of testosterone that the man is not aware of because testosterone majorly fuels sex drive, increases muscle mass, regulates mood and the bone strength. Although a slow drop in testosterone is a normal part of aging sometimes called “andropause” or “male menopause,” for many men, this doesn’t cause any significant problems or symptoms. Others may notice hot flashes, irritable moods or less interest in sex, a drop in testosterone doesn’t always interfere with sex, but it can make it more difficult for a man’s brain and body to get aroused. Some men may notice a drop in libido, while others may lose interest in sex completely. Low testosterone can also make it tougher to get or keep an erection. Testosterone helps a man’s body to make sperm. When levels of the hormone are low, his sperm “count” can be low too. Without enough sperm, he may not be able to father a child. Getting older is the most common reason testosterone levels dip. But illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, liver or kidney disease, pituitary gland problems and testicle injuries could also be the reason for such.
One of the ways to help restore ailing testosterone is for a man to engage in good exercise because testosterone rises after exercise. If you’re overweight, exercise can improve your testosterone levels by helping you shed some kilogrammes; although the levels are typically highest in the morning and lowest in the afternoon.
And a man needs to have erections regularly to keep the penis in shape. To maintain a healthy tone, the smooth muscle of the penis must be periodically enriched with oxygen by the rush of blood that engorges the penis and makes it erect. Please note that when a man is physically able to get erection but fails to have it during the day (maybe he finds himself in very un-erotic circumstances for a long time), this should not make him anxious at all because the brain has an automatic penis maintenance function built in. But some men are physically unable to get erections, such as those who’ve suffered trauma to the nerves involved or who have nerve or blood vessel damage caused by diabetes. These categories of men should look out for solution because if they don’t do anything to maintain normal erections, they will get shortening of the penis. Without regular erections, penile tissue can become less elastic and shrink, making the penis 1-2cm shorter. I also want to establish the fact that a man with a big, limp penis does not necessarily get much bigger with an erection. In fact, the man with an average size penis or the ones that look tiny might get a surprisingly big erection.
Researchers have concluded that the underside of the glans (head) of the penis and the underside of the shaft are most sensitive to sexual pleasure; followed by the upper side of the glans, left and right sides of the glans, sides of the penis, upper side of the shaft.
But the sensitivity declines with age plus or minus as from age 25 because the sensitivity of the penis is gauged by the least amount of stimulation a man is able to feel.
Strange but true, a man’s penis is twice as long as he thinks it is. This is because half of the length of the penis is inside the body. Just like you don’t see all of a big oak tree above ground, you don’t see the root of your penis tucked up inside your pelvis and attached to your pubic bone. That is why a sex therapist says the imbedded part inside the body can be made to grow out.

How men can delay re lease to last longer in bed

Premature ej ac ulation can get you down and ruin your s*x and marital relationship. In our usual way, We will guide  you on how to delay Rele ase and last longer in bed.
These simple tips will help you to know how to delay and prolong Rele ase. This will enable you and your partner to enjoy a healthy s*x life.
The following are 14 ways on How Men Can Delay Rele ase To Last Longer In Bed
Kegel exercises – Kegel exercises can help you prolong Rele ase. Kegels are those muscles that you use for controlling urination. So, flex these muscles about 30 times a day to delay Rele ase.
Squeeze technique – Prolong Rele ase and delay it by holding the tip of the head of the man-hood. Squeezing the tip of the man-hood can help control premature Rele ase.
Testes – The scrotum rises as a man reaches clim ax and is on the verge of Rele ase. So, delay Rele ase by pulling the scrotum away from the body.
Change focus – Rather than concentrating on Rele ase, concentrate on your partner’s pleasure.
Combination of thrusts – Delay Rele ase or male clim ax by combining shallow thrusts with deep thrusts. This technique helps prolong Rele ase and will make you last longer in bed.
Massage the prostate gland – When you practice delaying Rele ase, the prostate gland turns sore.
Hence it is important to massage the gland to prevent any kind of pain.
Perineum pressure – Delay Rele ase by applying pressure to the perineum, which is the spot between the anus and scrotum. The prostate gland expands and contracts while reaching clim ax or Rele ase. So, by applying pressure on this spot, one can prolong Rele ase.
Pelvic muscles – Squeeze the pubococcygeous muscle to stop ej ac ulating. Contract these muscles, which are used for controlling urine; doing so regularly helps you delay Rele ase.
Blueberries – This berry is known to delay Rele ase, as it relaxes the nerves in the man-hood.
Woman-on-top – This s*x position reduces your chances of premature Rele ase, thereby helping you last longer in bed. Switch to the woman-on-top s*x position to delay Rele ase.
Start and stop – When you have the urge to Rele ase, stop, pull out and then thrust again. Also, the start and stop method helps a couple to last longer in bed and enjoy the full s*xual experience.
self service – self service can help you prolong s*x, so delay Rele ase by self servicing at least an hour before interc ourse.
Control your clim ax – Without any lubrication self service to the point of clim ax and stop. Do it a couple of times and then Rele ase; over a period of time you can control Rele ase.
Before engaging in interc ourse, engage in forepl ay – ask your partner to gently massage the man-hood along with lubrication. In time this method can help you prolong Rele ase.

Wednesday 10 May 2017


Image result for black teen
A 19-year-old girl got more than she bargained for when she visited the wife of her ex-boyfriend called Kingsley, who delivered a newborn baby, recently. Unknown to her, she apparently walked into a trap set for her by her angry ex-boyfriend

Tuesday 9 May 2017

What Are The Classification Of Lies.

It might be surprising but definitely interesting to know that lies actually have classifications and not all lies are the same; there are indeed different kinds of lies.
There Are;

  • White Lies

This is often believed as the least serious kind of lie. These type of lies are told to avoid burdening an individual with the weight of the truth. An example is showing appreciation for an undesirable gift. These lies are indeed quite harmless but the problem is over time the white liar loses credibility and is dismissed as an insincere person.
  • The Bold-Faced Lie
These lies are common with children, but when an adult does it, it’s just plain annoying. In a bold-faced lie, the liar says something everyone knows is false but stands by it as the truth (regardless of how obvious the lie is). People tend to be resentful of bold-faced lies because of how belittling of time and intelligence it is.
  • Exaggerated Lies
Here the truth is usually mixed with untruth to make the liar look impressive to others. The funny part is the exaggerator will sometimes weave truth and lies in a way that confuses even themselves. Unfortunately, at some point the exaggerator begins to believe these lies that no one else might even believe. It’s truly tragic.
  • Deceptive Lies
This might seem like tautology but it isn't. A deceptive lie is one where the deceiver creates a false impression with truth, either by not telling all the facts or recounting the facts in a misleading way. It’s quite impressive actually and unfortunately people tend to believe these lies. These lies are subtle, yet powerful, hurtful and even deadly.
  • Compulsive Lies
These lies are either caused by low self-esteem or the need for attention. Compulsive liars tell lies even when telling the truth will be easier and better; what matters most to them is the attention the lies will give them. It’s quite ridiculous and at the same time extremely tragic. Compulsive liars typically find it difficult to stop lying as it is more of an addiction for them.
  • Lies of Fabrication
This involves presenting something you are not sure of, as the truth.These lies are very hurtful and damaging, they typically lead to rumors that put others in danger or damage the reputation of others. Gossips and rumor mongers are the people typically associated with these lies.
  • Duplicitous Lies
These lies are typical of people who break spoken promises and commitments. Duplicitous liars typically hide their true feelings and intentions behind false actions and words. These liars cause great damage to others. Unfortunately, they are quite difficult to identify until they've disappointed. One way to protect yourself is to try to speak to people who have previously known the person to know if the person is generally associated with broken promises and commitments, so you can be careful.

Saturday 1 April 2017

(Shocking!!!) People who are in open Relationship are Happy

Scientist Discovered that that people in open relationships are happier than people who are in monogamous relationships

Tuesday 28 March 2017

What colour is your mood?

Everybody knows I love a spot of pampering...and am fascinated by any kind of mystical imagine my joy on finding this little gem in JBR!


the future based on horoscope signs, having my palm read, gazing at the stars and seeing the future, boiling tea leaves and finding out what destiny has in store according to the pattern formed and any other form of superstitious beliefs do not shake me (except when Christian religious say that ‘God has a plan for me

Monday 27 March 2017

The Power Of Two

If there is anything in life a man should miss in life is not "Marriage". God as we know him said he will make an helper for him and that is the woman. what so ever produce a thing sustain it, the source of a woman is a man. man was created before a woman. any man you want to get married to must understand who he is , marry a man who knows his

Thursday 23 March 2017

Do you think you are going Nowhere in life?


Do You think You are going Nowhere in life?

Do You Know  New York is three hours ahead of California but it does not make California slow, Someone Graduated at the age of 22 But waited 5 years before securing a good job!, Some one became a CEO at 35 while other became CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years .some one is still single, while someone else got married, Obama retires at 55, but Trump start at 70
See more of this @
Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their TIME ZONE , People around you might seems to go ahead of you , some might seems to be behind you , But everyone is running their own Race , in their own Time. Don't envy them or mock them 
They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!
 Life is all all about waiting for the right moment to act, so RELAX ,
You ARE Not late 
You're not EArLY
You are very much On TIME. and in your TIME ZONE

Friday 17 March 2017

5 Best Facts About Life

Image result for todays thought Somethings Happens to Ones life on a Purpose , See this fact...

How People Live Their Lifes

Everyday of our life is a new opportunity the way a man use it determines where he is going to be in Life, every man as a different grace god has Given to us but we share one same Grace and that is 24 hours God has given to us, How do you live your life? see what life is...

A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead.

A man lives in  a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives

A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance
drives him.

A man reads biology today, Tomorrow a biography
is been read of him.

A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he
becomes food for insects.

A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he
is termed late Mr/Mrs.

A man is seen resting in his house today, Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"!

A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today,
Tomorrow he becomes manure to those trees.

A man is known today as the richest man ever,
Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will
happen to his riches.

What is life after all?

Plan your life because you may not see tomorrow.
But when your life is well planned you won't Be
afraid of any thing.


Come to think of this?.......
1. Eternal life = free
2.Mosque entrance free
3.God's love = free
4. Breath of life = free

A. Cigarette = pay
B. Prostitution = pay
C. Alcohol =pay
D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay
E. Powers to rule the world = pay
Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?
Think twice
Believe in Christ and you shall be saved..                  
 We always think of Valentine's day
Birth day
Father's day
Mother's day
Children's day
Our day,
Farmer's day
Teacher's day
Christmas day
Independence day
Boxing day,
This day,
That day,
Day in Day out.
Have u ever thought of Judgment Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for u?
If u're safe, what about your friends & loved ones.