Tuesday 28 March 2017

What colour is your mood?

Everybody knows I love a spot of pampering...and am fascinated by any kind of mystical reading...so imagine my joy on finding this little gem in JBR!

Last night I used a random 'buy a treatment, get a free thai massage' voucher to treat myself at Spa Dunya. I'd never been before - and was more than a little put off by the name - but actually it may be one of Dubai's best kept secrets.
The concept for the salon is colour - light, energy, health and well-being through colour. So before my treatment I was taken into a little room to choose my colours. Here's what we found out:
Purple: I crave a return to basics, have a nostalgia for the past and feel like I'm suffering from extreme materialism. This colour represents a connection to family - especially my mum - and a need for more balance in life. Well I am missing London a lot...but then, who doesn't want to be at home - and especially with their mum - at Christmas, and who in Dubai isn't a victim of excess materialism?!
Pick another colour...
Orange: This is a feminine colour that represents creativity, a connection to the senses and a need for reassurance or intimacy. It is a healthy colour for women, encouraging energy flows in all the right places. Also craved by those with a tendency to over-intellectualise things. Do I over-think? Nooo....surely not. Do I? I do, don't I. Actually, I surprised myself by picking orange, but not as much as with the next selection...
Yellow: This is the male colour so complements the previous choice of orange (back to balance again - did someone say Libra?), and is all about joy, happiness, spontineity and self confidence. It is good for releasing stress held in the stomach and for un-blocking emotional, er, blockages. And to think my friends laughed when I said I think I needed my energy flows unblocked! I think she said yellow was also good for weight loss - bonus.
And finally...
Indigo blue: Indigo is all about embracing change, living in the moment and being yourself. Tends to appeal to those seeking mental clarity (yup!) and whose mind needs calming (yup yup!) so that they can sleep (oh sleep would be lovely). This colour also aids intuition.
Apparently your choice of colours may change at different times, depending on your mood and what your body needs. I guess it's a bit like tarot cards, that you can read into it whatever you like...but I enjoyed it and now have much to ponder (without over-thinking, obviously!)
And the treatments? The Thai massage was good - not the best in the world ever, but all my various kinks were ironed out and I'm feeling very bendy today! The facial was simply AMAZING. I'd definitely recommend this spa to a friend, so look past the name and give it a shot.


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