Showing posts with label Useful list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Useful list. Show all posts

Thursday 15 June 2017


Please note, It's good to have a sense of security and safety.


Cockroaches are disgusting insects or better said pests that thrive in houses, particularly in the dark and warm places. These pests carry dangerous diseases.

Monday 12 June 2017


A few men are normally timid while some don't know how to begin. The thing is, charming a young lady out in the open is basic and a great deal less demanding than when she's distant from everyone else. Here, we have put this down to enable you to take care of business, Lol. Read deliberately to the end. 

5 Foods To Avoid Before Sleeping With Your Partner – Take Note!

Image result for man and woman on bed
$3x is not kidding business. What's more, you have to get ready for it each time. Be that as it may, your decision of nourishment may decide your execution level, so be guided. 

Thursday 8 June 2017


WHY PEOPLE MARRY THE WRONG PERSON : ALL UNMARRIED MUST READ THIS BEFORE MARRIAGE. Many married people are daily regretting and cursing their marriages. If you are single, know the reasons why people marry wrong persons and end their marriages in bitter separations or live to endure it. 

1. YOU FOCUS MORE ON CHEMISTRY THAN ON CHARACTER Principle: Never marry someone because you’re in love. Falling in love is a state of temporary psychosis. It is the “delusion of fusion.” Identify the specific character traits you must have in your spouse and know clearly how to asses for each one. Background checks are essential, Be especially careful to check out the family. People from warm & loving homes will most likely be emotionally healthy people. Chemistry means there is physical and sexual attraction. Compatibility: Looking for sameness: same backgrounds, culture, language, interests,politics etc. Temperament types are important to know.

2. YOU EXPECT HIM OR HER TO CHANGE AFTER YOU'RE MARRIED The question you must ask is, “Can I live with this person the way he is now and be happy with him?” Principle: Never marry potential. This implies bad potential. He’s a chronic smoker and drunkard & says he’ll change for you. This is bad potential. If he doesn't change you’ll resent him. 
3. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS OF MEN AND WOMEN This is all about making sure the male-female energies are in sync. Men and women each have one core emotional need. Men want to be respected. Women want to be cherished, which means they want to be protected, provided for, and guided. The ultimate prerequisite for a man to get married is that he is ready to take responsibility.He has to be ready to be a “man.” 
4. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING This means knowing what you stand for in life: Your values, priorities, and goals. Ideally you should not be considering marriage until you've answered life’s most important question: What am I living for? Two people who have the same life goal have a much greater chance of growing together and staying together in a deeply bonded way. A soul mate is a goal mate. Principle: The more clearly and narrowly we define ourselves, the better our chance of finding the right person. Tools: What are we going to build together? What are this person’s life commitments? What does this person stand for? What is he passionate about?  

5. YOU GET INVOLVED S*XUALLY TOO QUICKLY Becoming intimate too soon can be self-defeating because it creates confusion. • It may create a false sense of commitment and depth. • It may block you from processing your feelings which is soul-tie • It may lead to overlooking problems that should not be overlooked. 
6. YOU CHOOSE SOMEONE WHO IS ABUSIVE The definition of an abusive relationship is one in which you are afraid to express your feelings and opinions. Other indicators: • You don’t feel emotionally safe. • You have to monitor what you say. • You walk on egg shells around this person. • You don’t feel relaxed and don’t feel you can be yourself. • The person is demanding, controlling, or communicates with anger and criticism. 
7. YOU DO NOT HAVE A CONSISTENTLY POSITIVE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH EACH OTHER A positive emotional connection does not mean you are in love. Five questions to evaluate if you have a positive emotional connection: → Do I respect and admire this person? → Do I trust this person in every way and feel I can rely on his or her judgment? → Do I feel totally safe with this person (like I feel with my best friend)? → Do I truly care about this person and have a desire to give to him or her? → Are we open and honest with each other about our feelings and opinions? Your greatest tool for measuring the quality of the relationship is your feelings. Principle: Never dismiss anything that bothers you! Process everything that bothers you.

8. YOU DON'T COMMUNICATE WELL: This is very important: You must be sure before you get married that the two of you communicate well. Good communication means: √ We can talk openly and honestly about our feelings √ We listen to each other and make it safe for each other to express ourselves. √ There is no defensiveness √ We trust that together we can resolve problems √ We have confidence in ourselves that we can repair our breakdowns √ We work well together; we’re a good team PRINCIPLE: U must be able to repair breakdowns 100%, which means there is no resentment or bad feelings left over. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to believe that marriage will heal or fix their deep inner pain. In many cases, marriage will only make the pain greater; more unbearable!

Monday 5 June 2017


Please pay Attention,ladies! Guys love sex. It’s an axiom but that doesn’t mean that they love everything about cex.
Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK

If you love your partner and want to give him the best time together you definitely should know all pitfalls waiting for you during Cex. Therefore read carefully the list of what girls do that drive guys crazy — and not in a good way
1.When you ask 100 questions, especially after Cex. Please don’t ask, “How was that for you?” Not ever.
2. When you do a dead starfish. Please don’t just lie there and do nothing, it’s the least sexy thing ever.
3. When you fall asleep halfway through. Mortifying.
4. Cuddling. We get it, it’s nice, but sometimes you just take it too far.
5. Sometimes after we’ve had Cex we just want to go to sleep. Please don’t get annoyed when we don’t want to stay up and talk.

6. When you change into hideous “comfy” pyjamas as soon as the Cex is over, especially if they resemble your late grandmother’s curtains.
7. When you start running/waddling out of the room immediately after to “clean up”. 8. When we want to have Cex and you say you’re too tired. That makes us very sad.
9. Going way over the top with noises – I once received a noise complaint, it’s thoroughly embarrassing
10. When you go to the loo with the door open before or after Cex – or worse, just as things are about to get going. So gross.
11. When you take it really personally when we can’t 0rgasm. Especially when you say, “Was it something I did?”
12. When you give us a blow job and then run off to spit everything out the moment we’ve finished. Come on, be a bit more discreet.
13. When you stop making an effort with your underwear. I don’t want to see your granny pants on a daily basis. 14. If, as soon as you take off your underwear, the room smells like a fish market – at that point it is my legal right to wind things up.
15. Biting, in a bad way. When giving blow jobs, please keep your teeth away from my penis. It is not a meal.


Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK
There are many factors that are making us age prematurely without any of us being aware of it,
sorecognizing them is of vital importance in order to stay healthy. Chronic inflammation is a big factor for diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, which is why it needs to be resolved sooner rather than later. Here are 7 diseases and conditions that can make you age faster:
Not getting enough rest overnight can really take a toll on our health. Not getting enough sleep can result in bad mood and grogginess, but it can also cause inflammation. Besides triggering inflammation, lack of sleep can harm your metabolism and weaken your immune system. According to studies, lack of sleep is also responsible for heart disease, asthma and allergies, which is why it needs to be resolved immediately. For best results, experts recommend sleeping 6-8 hours a day.
“Several studies have shown that both short and long sleeping times are associated with negative effects on our health. One meta-analysis showed that sleeping less than the recommended increases the risk of death for 10-12%, while another study revealed that oversleeping can increase the risk of mortality by 23-30%,” it was written in one study.
Allergies are always a sign of inflammation – if they are severe, it means that you’re probably suffering from chronic inflammation. Experts recommend testing yourself for allergies in order to detect hidden allergies you might not be aware of.
Late retirement
Nowadays, it’s pretty common for people to retire later than they are required to. People go to retirement well into their 70s instead of their 60s, but according to one study, this has negative effects on our health.

“Retirement decreases the likelihood of being in very ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ health by about 40%. The study also found that retirement increases the probability of suffering from clinical depression by about 40%, while also increasing the probability of having at least one diagnosed condition by about 60%. Retirement also raises the probability of taking a drug for such a condition by about 60%,” the study said.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

See What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat

Cutting out meat from your diet can be tricky, but it may yield great results for your physique that make the effort worthwhile. Not only is it more environmentally friendly to skip these animal proteins, but it can reduce your risk factor for certain diseases, have positive effects on your appearance, and potentially increase your lifespan. There are also drawbacks that may require preventative measures on the new vegetarian’s part, so here’s a breakdown of what will happen to your body, inside and out, if and when you decide to declare yourself a herbivore. You might lose some weight Switching to a veggie-centric diet may be good news for your waistline. According to research by Dr. Neal Barnard at George Washington University, the average person who turned to a plant-based diet under their project supervision lost about 10 pounds in the span of about 44 weeks. “The take-home message is that a plant-based diet can help you lose weight without counting calories and without ramping up your exercise routine,” the physician reported. The downside? A lot of new vegetarians report experiencing some temporary bloating when making the big change to a meatless lifestyle, especially if the new diet includes an increase in carbohydrates like beans. Your skin might improve The vitamins in fruits and vegetables (including our friends A, C, and E) are known to combat free radicals, which are common causes of skin blemishes. Some foods that have been shown to have high levels of antioxidant activity include berries, cherries, citrus, prunes, and olives. You’ll be less likely to get cancer According to research, at least 30% of cancer cases have been linked to dietary habits, and in a patient study, it was shown that vegetarianism of the milk- and egg-eating variety tended to have a lower risk of contracting cancers than those who ate meat. Vegetarians tend to have a reduced rate of various types of cancer, including that of the colon (since the added fiber helps move carcinogens through the digestive tract more quickly), stomach, bladder, ovaries, chest, and lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (due to the antioxidants contained in plant-based foods). You’ll be less likely to get chronic illnesses Vegetarianism has also proven to be a heart-healthy approach to nommage. Researchers have found that those who choose the eliminate meats from their diets enjoyed a significant drop in cholesterol levels (up to 35% for those who subbed in other proteins, like soy or nuts), which, in turn, reduced their risk for cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and strokes. Not only that, but it’s also been linked to a reduction in blood pressure levels (hypertension), obesity, inflammation and Type 2 Diabetes. Chronic inflammation is associated with a ton of long-term issues, including arthritis, cancer, heart disease, asthma, and other degenerative disorders, and vegetarian-friendly foods like kale, cauliflower, spinach, and certain fruits, among others, are rich in anti-inflammatory properties, while meat tends to cause an inflammatory reaction. Tummy troubles? No more! Several academic studies have shown that there are positive microbial effects associated with ditching the consumption of animal by-products, including a reduction of harmful pathogens and an increase in protective microorganisms. This may be connected to the reduction in inflammation that’s been associated with vegetarianism, which has other major health benefits (we’ll get to that).
Comtinue Reading After This Break

Other digestive benefits to vegetarianism include the fact that studies show a reduction in risk for diverticular disease – that is, a buildup of pockets or sacs in the walls of your colon – associated with the diet, and the increased fibers that’ll come with that extra helping of vegetables will help make your bathroom habits more regular. Experts caution that these benefits are only available to those who engaged in a “well-planned vegetarian diet,” which incorporates a high intake of fruits and vegetables. If approached correctly, your tummy will likely thank you for resisting the carnivorous route to sustenance. It’s not all good news: You may need to supplement Shutterstock A vegetarian diet may require the use of certain supplements, or at least carefully crafted meals, which can ensure the requisite amounts of nutrients that might be lost in transition. One common problem people have when flushing out the flesh foods is a zinc deficiency, since that vitamin is most often found in red meat and shellfish. Plus, vegetarian foods are high in phytic acid which interferes with zinc absorption. The effects of that deficiency may include a weakened immune system, loss of memory, eyesight and tastebuds, an onset of diarrhea, allergic reactions, hair loss, and rashes. The good news is there’s a relatively simple fix for that: foods like mushrooms, spinach, cashews, chickpeas and cocoa powder are all great sources of zinc, so bring ’em into the routine, and make up the difference.
Other essential vitamins that may become depleted in the process of becoming a meat-free eater include B12, calcium, iron. For those that are careful with their menus, however, this can be addressed without the use of vitamin supplements. Vitamin B12 is found in yeast and certain cereals, while calcium can be derived from foods like almonds, bread, milk, and sesame seeds. Nuts, dried fruit, beans, and broccoli are all high in iron and would be assets to a vegetarian’s diet. Vegetarians should also make sure that they’re incorporating enough protein into their daily meals, which can be accomplished by eating eggs, cheeses, lentils, black beans, and tofu. You might develop anxiety or depression Studies are mixed on whether a vegetarian diet will improve or impair your mental wellbeing. Some doctors have found an increase in lethargy, anxiety, and depression associated with patients who adopted the lifestyle, while others have found that non meat-eaters have no worsening of mood conditions. Psychologists suggest a supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 to counter any potential ill effects of going meat-free on mental health (supplementation is particularly important for vegans). Vegetarians who would rather not take supplement pills can find Omega-3s in salmon (if you eat fish, practically any fish will do), walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed and egg yolks. Whatever you do, be smart about it Becoming a vegetarian can be extremely gratifying – and not just because you’re reducing your carbon footprint. It also has proven health benefits that include certain disease prevention and digestive health increases. However, it requires some attentive planning on the meal front to ensure that you’re getting all of the nutrients your body needs. The best way to avoid the unpleasant effects of nutritional depletion is by formulating a solid plan for your daily diet. Make sure that you consider which nutritional elements you’ll lose from excluding meat and adjust your food intake accordingly – this is the best way to ensure that your body reaps all the potential rewards from increasing your intake of plant-based goods.

What Happens To Your Body When You Sit All Day

How much would you say you sit during the day? It doesn’t seem like much, but once we really examine how much of our time is spent sitting, it can be pretty shocking. Sure, I work out, but I also spend my fair share of couch time gasping at the Real Housewives’ latest drama. Just think about it. We sit down to eat breakfast, sit in the car on the way to work, sit at our desk at work, sit at lunch, sit at meetings, sit on the drive home, sit during dinner, and sit while watching TV in the evening. Even if you add in an hour workout before or after work, the majority of the day can be pretty sedentary. Of course working out is important and beneficial to our health, but even an intense sweat session can’t outweigh the dangers of sitting too much. In fact, a January 2015 review in the academic medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine reported that prolonged sedentary time, no matter how much you work out, causes health problems. Excessive sitting, or a sedentary lifestyle, has unfortunately become the norm in our culture. According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is actually the fourth leading risk factor for death among adults around the world. The Annals of Internal Medicine report found sitting for long periods of time causes changes in our bodies that can’t be undone with working out a few times per week. Excessive sitting causes an increased risk for heart disease, cancer, and poor bone density. Sitting for eight to twelve hours per day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by a whopping 90 percent. Fortunately, taking breaks from sitting, even just to stand up and stretch for a minute, can help offset these risks. We sit too much It’s pretty clear that Americans sit too much. According to a Huffington Post poll, the average American adult is sedentary for 60 percent of waking hours and sits for more than six hours per day. Mayo Clinic recently reported on a study in which the researchers looked at people who sit in front of the television or any screen for less than two hours per day compared with those who spend four hours or more sitting. Those sitting for more than four hours had a 50 percent greater chance of death (no matter the cause) than those in the first group. They also had a 125 percent increased risk of heart disease. These results held true no matter how much the participants exercised. So if you and your coworker both sit at work all day, you’re going to have the same health risks, even if you’re a marathon-running soccer mom and he’s a videogame-playing couch potato. It is even possible that extreme exercisers like you marathon runners are even more likely to be sedentary when they are not working out. This might happen because we exercisers assume we are immune to sitting disease, but it turns out we’re in just as much trouble. Here are just a few of the changes going on in your body as you read this (or have you stood up already?). Our muscles weaken Okay, so we know we’re probably sitting too much, but how can that possibly be so dangerous? It really comes down to the fact that our bodies are meant to move. Sitting for extended periods truly affects every body system, starting with our muscles. When sitting at your desk at work or over a phone, we all naturally lean forward towards the screen, straining our necks. Certified strength and conditioning specialist Douglas Lentz told Women’s Health that sitting all day also affects all the muscles that support the spine. “When you sit all day, your hip flexors and hamstrings shorten and tighten, while the muscles that support your spine become weak and stiff,” he explained. This leads to chronic pain, which could of course make it more difficult to be active in the future. Chronic conditions It is not just our back muscles that suffer from sitting all day. Not surprisingly, sitting for most of the day has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. The longer we sit, the fewer calories our bodies burn. Because we’re not using our muscles, our heart does not have to pump as hard or fast, allowing fatty acids to build up and more easily clog the heart. In fact, people who are very sedentary or sit most of the day are twice as likely to have heart disease than those who are active throughout the day. Excessive sitting is also linked to increased rates of type 2 diabetes and cancer. Brain fog Sitting for too long even affects our brains. When we move our muscles, our heart pumps fresh, oxygenated blood to the brain. Sitting for an extended period of time slows down all of our body’s functions, including brain function. If you’ve ever felt down after a long day in front of your work computer, it might be because excessive sitting is linked to feeling depressed. According to a Harvard University blog post, excessive sitting has even been linked with an increased risk for dementia. Get up and move Even though this problem is serious, it’s actually pretty simple to fix. All we have to do is stand up and walk around a little during the day. You don’t have to give up your office job in order to be more active throughout the day. If you usually sit at a desk during the day, ask your manager if an alternative desk is an option. Some companies actually offer standing or treadmill desks to their employees. If your boss isn’t ready to throw down the cash for a treadmill desk, make sure to plan plenty of standing and walking breaks throughout the day. Even if you don’t have a standing desk, you could stand to use the phone or to text. Instead of calling or emailing your work bestie, walk over to her desk to sneak in some extra activity. At least every hour, stand up for a few minutes and walk a lap around the office. Try setting your phone alarm to remind you to take a standing or walking break. There are even apps to help with this, such as Stand Up! and StandApp. If you really want to shake things up at the office, try standing up in meetings. Sure, it will totally feel awkward at first, but if you explain that you’re simply trying to lower your chances of dying from heart disease, you might start an awesome new trend. Even better, if you are meeting with only one or two others, consider going for a walk together instead of sitting in a meeting room. Everyone will feel better after a little activity and fresh air. At home, try to sneak in exercise anywhere you can. When watching The Walking Dead, rather than fast-forwarding through commercials, use that time as a walking or standing break. As a rule of thumb, the more activity, the better.

Tuesday 30 May 2017


Image result for wrongphilosophies


Whatever will be will not be; you have to make it be. You have a part to play in what will be in your life, either for the good to happen or the bad to be avoided. Don't leave it to chance.

Why settle for half bread when you can get  a full bread or even own a bakery. This is a limiting belief that positions you to settle for less and it is a mediocre philosophy.

A fool at any age can be a fool forever if he refuses to let go of his foolishness. It is never too late to become wise because the day you wake up and wise up is the day you CHANGE for the better!

Yes! Physical fingers in your hands are not equal but that does not make any of them valueless. Each serves a purpose. Lose one and you realise that they are all valuable. You are not even a finger, so why look down on yourself.

If you are below forty and believe this, I feel so sorry for you because it means you are not yet alive.  

Is your age coming down? Is your wisdom and knowledge coming down? Is the price of goods coming down? Think my friend!

Why laugh last when you can laugh always and why laugh best when laughter is not a competition. When we programmed ourselves with these strange philosophies, they limit and restrict us.

```Change the way you think and talk.. 
You will change your world.
You have the opportunity to RECREATE YOUR WORLD. 

Have a nice day Champions. 

Thursday 25 May 2017

22 Ageless Advice From The Past And For The Future

Image result for advice from somewhere
  1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
  2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
  3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
  4. When you say, "I love you," mean it.
  5. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
  6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
  7. Believe in love at first sight.
  8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
  9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
  10. In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.
  11. Don't judge people by their relativTalk slowly but think quickly.
  12. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
  13. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
  14. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
  15. When you lose, don't lose the lessonRemember the three R's: 
  16.       Respect for self; 
  17.       Respect for others; 
  18.       Responsibility for all your actions.
  19. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
  20. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
  21. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
  22. Spend some time alone.

6 simple Ways To Increase Your Income

Image result for how to increase your income without working more
Let me give you some very tactical and straightforward tips that can be used right away to catapult your income. Stop doing what you're doing. ... 
  1. Don't let money define you. ... 
  2. Start prioritizing your profits. ... 
  3. Start placing a higher value on your time. ...
  4.  It's Ok to say no. ... 
  5. Proximity is power. ...
  6. Lower your excuses

Try these pro-recommended tips to get longer, stronger hair in no time

Image result for how to grow natural hair
Try This Tips To Make Your Hair LongerAnd Stronger

  1. Get frequent trims — yes, really.
  2. Spread the wealth that is your hair's natural oil.
  3. Keep your scalp healthy.
  4. Start from the inside by eating the right foods.
  5. Stop abusing it with heat styling tools.
  6. Skip the daily shampoo.

5 secret to Nial the Perfect Kiss

Do You Know How to Read? Read The 7 Best Simple way To Read And Understand

Image result for read
The Best way to Pass Any Examination 0r text Is To Read And Understand follow This Steps Below...
  1. Read with a purpose.
  2. Skim first.
  3. Get the reading mechanics right.
  4. Be judicious in highlighting and note taking.
  5. Think in pictures.
  6. Rehearse as you go along.
  7. Stay within your attention span and work to increase that span.