Friday 3 March 2017

7 Natural Way to get rid of tartar

How to Get Rid of Tartar: 7 Natural Ways

White teeth are magnetic. Aren’t they? They always draw attention and add up majorly to your beauty. Therefore, it is very important to take proper care of our teeth. Our teeth tend to get affected by tartar and plague which adversely affects the shine and whiteness of our teeth. Tartar is a yellow hard deposit on the teeth, consisting of food, mineral salts, and calcium carbonate
. Tartar is also called calculus. Tartar arises from plague, when plague stays for a longer time on your teeth, it hardens and turns into tartar. But even if you take good care of your teeth there are some bacteria left in the mouth which leads to tartar and that may eventually lead to cavities and tooth decay.

If the tartar is above the gum line, it may be harmful for you because the bacteria can damage your gums and slowly and gradually develop into a fatal gum disease. Also, these bacteria in gum disease sometimes lead to heart disease and other health problems. The most common sign of tartar is a yellow or brown deposit between the teeth or at the gum line. Bacteria germinate in our mouth after we finish eating food or drinking because of the sugars and carbohydrates present in our food.

Also read: (How to Get Rid of Cavities: 5 Amazing Home Remedies)

How to avoid the formation of tartar

Here are a few tips which you can keep your mouth clean and avoid tartar:
  • Eating cheese before your meals can help in neutralising the acids which lead to  tartar. 
  • Brush regularly, twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. You have to brush for more than just a few seconds to make sure even the hard to reach corners are clean. 
  • Use strawberries and tomatoes: Both of them are rich in Vitamin C. They keep your teeth white and soften tartar. Rub them on your teeth, leave them for five minutes and wash off.
  • Floss regularly: No matter how much you brush but you just can’t get rid of tartar without dental floss.

Easy home remedies to remove tartar

Here are some easy home remedies that can help you get rid of tartar:

1. Baking Soda
: Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of salt. Mix this with your toothpaste and brush properly. Baking soda helps in neutralising acids in the mouth which helps you get brighter, whiter teeth.
baking soda

2. Aloe Vera: Extract the aloe vera pulp from the fresh leaves, rub it on your teeth and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing your mouth. Aloe vera kills the bacteria that cause tartar as it has antimicrobial properties. It also fights bad breath.

aloe vera 625

3. Guava: Wash some guava leaves, chew them and spit it out. You should also eat unripe guava with a little salt sprinkled on it. Guava is known to provide relief from gum problems because it has
anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce swelling and pain in the gums.

guava 620

4. Cloves: Take 1 tablespoon of clove powder and add olive oil to it. Apply this mixture on your teeth, leave for a few minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Cloves fight the microbes in the mouth that cause tartar.

clove oil

5. White Vinegar
: Mix 2 tablespoon of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt in ½ a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth daily with this liquid.

6. Rosemary Essential Oil:
Mix two drops of rosemary oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
or water. Rinse your mouth with this twice a day. It has antibacterial properties that help in eradicating dental problems


7. Black Tea: Black tea helps in the fight against plaque and bacteria. You can rinse your mouth with lukewarm black tea to keep it clean.


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