Wednesday 22 March 2017

Shocking>See the Bad Effect of staying with an angry Man.

I know it is impossible to change another person.  The only person we can change is our self.  My husband has a problem with anger.  He would deny this, but I believe it is always burning
just below his functioning level and waiting for a match to light it so it can gush forth like a hot volcano.  
Unfortunately, I did not witness this while we were dating.  His evil side came out after we were wed in the Catholic Church.  Fred won’t sit down and talk our his anger.  He knows it is wrong, but apparently, even after reading and studying, counseling, church confession, he seems to be either unwilling or incapable of controlling this rage that dwells within him.
Fred has never hit me or any of our children.  He pushed our little dog away from him with his foot and made her yelp, but that is the worse treatment she got and only that one time.  What he does that I find increasingly hard to live with is his constant throwing away of possessions that I have given him, photos, clothes, bedding, paintings, foods in the frig or freezer that he knows I like, etc.  This action makes me feel two things:  1)  I am nothing more than trash to him and he has the right to simply throw me out with the trash anytime I make him unhappy.  
2) Fred is trying to erase me from his live completely by doing away with any and all items in the house that would cause him to think of me.  Fred 
Fred and I have talked about this many times and he should know how I feel about it.  He rarely apologizes for his actions, and I feel myself pulling away from him a little more each time he does this.  I have told him how badly his actions hurt me and they make me feel.  Apparently, he just doesn’t care.  


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