Sunday 14 May 2017

A Letter to My Best Friend Glory on her Birthday@Explodedblog

Dearest Pretty  
Wish you a very happy , joyous and an auspicious Birthday. Three cheers
It feels like yesterday when we became friends. It’s been more than a decade. A decade of awesomeness. A decade of fun. A decade of learning. A decade of growing up and finally a decade of memories. Memories that are reminiscent of every moment spent together. Moments that will always be cherished
How awesome is the fact that we have seen each other through ups and downs , through thick and thin , through joys and sorrows. We have literally seen each other growing up. Growing , not just in terms of physicality but emotionally, psychologically and intellectually. We have seen each other evolve.
From the days of college when we participated together in various activities , from winning accolades in academics to going on hikes to unknown and dangerous destinations, from eating street food with limited cash to buying each other the latest clothes, from narrating you Greek tales from my literature course to introducing me to economics, from preparing for competitive examinations to scoring it really big in life finallyyyyyy 
We have come along such a long way. We transformed from naughty teenagers to graceful young women together (well, the naughtiness still remains).
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and indoor
Every time i won a medal, you were there and were always the first one to congratulate me. Every time i was awarded a fellowship, you were there to take your treat Every time i had to knock off some moron, you were there to calm me down. Every time i found myself alone in a world that tries to slow down powerful women , you were there to remind me that “the world is scared of powerful women.” Don’t remember a single time when you were not there. I wanna thank you on your birthday for every all the times you’ve been there. You have never failed to show up. Never ever ever.
What fun times we’ve spent together. All the trips, the outings , the night outs, the parties, the shopping, the movies, the crushes the jokes – my god i can just go on and on. I have a whole slideshow going in my head right now. I’ve seen the best of friendships being withered with time (especially women. God knows why). But not us. We were, are and will always remain friends. We have a foundation so strong that nobody in the world can shake it.
Chukwusa Glory's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person
We’ve had our share of fights too. Seems funny when i write about them now. But every fight was a lesson and a new beginning. A lot of people tried their maneuvers and aimed at creating a wedge between us. Never happened. True friendship, after all is beyond the pettiness and insecurity of people. We didn’t split but the people trying to do so ended up being really far from our lives. So good for them.
Thanks for everything. Every single thing. Every warm embrace, every adorable gesture, every secure hug – All of this means so much. Thanks for making me the best food in the world. Thanks for thinking i can follow and achieve my dreams. Thanks for being my a.m friend. Thanks for listening to me criticize idiots. Thanks for wiping my tears.Thanks for making me laugh out loud. Thanks for being extremely patient with me when i yelled at you. Thanks for trusting me . Thanks for I just cannot thank you enough.
I wish you all the positivity and success in the world. Your year will be transformational and you know that very well. You deserve it. You totally do. You’re the most honest and innocent person I’ve come across. You’re not perfect but neither is rest of the world. Never change your essential ‘self’ – Never. Just learn and grow and most importantly ‘let go’ of anything that is not worth it.
Keep rising and shining always
Lots of love –
Explodedblog Fans 


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