Friday 5 May 2017

Buhari – The Resurrection of corpsocracy by Fani-Kayode

Few days ago we were told by the First Lady of Nigeria, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, that the president  was not as ill as most of us believed and that despite his obvious challenges he has continued to “carry out his responsibilities”.
On the same day the media went to great lengths to convince us, without providing any pictures, that the President had resumed work and that he had had a series of fruitful and productive meetings with his Minister of Justice and the Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) respectively.
They assured us that he would definitely preside over the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting which was scheduled to hold the following day.
All of these assertions proved to be false. Buhari has now missed his FOURTH Federal Executive Council meeting in a row due to his chronic and debilitating ill health.
Whoever is holding this poor, frail, sick and elderly man to ransom and keeping him in the Presidential Villa, probably against his will, is wicked and ungodly and he or she is committing a grave sin against God and the Nigerian people.
It is clear that the President is no longer fit to govern. It is obvious that his time is almost up. It is self-evident that for him the bell is tolling.
It is incontrovertible that those around him have held him captive and are indulging in what I once described in an essay that I wrote seven years during the last days of President Umaru Yar’adua as “corpsocracy”. The essay was titled ”Corpocracy: A Gift From Umaru To The Modern World”.
Simply put corpsocracy means the rulership of the living by the dead. It is the art of hiding a walking corpse, a comatose zombie or what some have described as the “living dead” in a cupboard in the Presidential Villa, telling the world that it is hale and hearty and then ruling and running the country in its name.
This is what happened during Yar’adua’s last four months on earth whilst he still had one foot in the land of the living and it is happening to Buhari today.
Such was the ruthless and cold-blooded deception that Yar’adua’s inner circle brought into the equation that they managed to convince the Nigerian people and indeed the entire world that a President that was totally comatose and literally brain-dead managed to sign the 2010 budget all the way from dream-land.
They also managed to conjure up a fake but convincing telephone interview with the BBC television service which millions of unsuspecting viewers, including yours truly, watched and listened to from all over the world.
Such was the angst of the management of the BBC when the truth was unearthed and they finally discovered that they had been misled, conned, duped and used that the northern Nigerian woman that organised the so-called “interview”, passing off Yar’adua’s brother’s voice as Yar’adua himself, was expeditiously and unceremoniously sacked.
Her name was Jamilah Tangaza and she was the head of the BBC Hausa service at the time. She was also a double agent of both the MI6, the United Kingdom’s secretive international spy agency and Nigeria’s external spy agency known as the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). One is constrained to ask: what have the Nigerian people not been subjected to or seen?
All these dirty games conducted in a sqaulid and sordid attempt to hold on to power at all costs. Yet worse of all are the nauseating mendacities that the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, keeps churning out. Yesterday he told us that Buhari did not attend the FEC meeting this week because he was “still resting”.
Equally amusing was the absurd assertion from the Minister of Transport, the pot-bellied creek-Haramite known as Rotimi Amaechi, who claims that he “is not corrupt” and that he “does not like money” and who told Nigerians that Buhari was now “putting on weight”, was “much better” and that he was “fit enough to run for the Presidency in 2019”.
Honestly one wonders if these creatures have any genuine love and compassion for their principal because if they did instead of telling us lies about his medical condition they would simply get on their knees and beg him to resign.
One wonders if they have any shame. It is very clear to me that they are all under an accursed hex or Luciferian spell. They have been bound and blinded in body, spirit and soul.
This is a classic case of the Living God hardening Pharaoh’s heart unto destruction. Yet sadly those in power, including Buhari himself, are so obsessed with that power that they cannot see it.
Instead of letting God’s people go and bringing to an end the wickedness, persecution, slaughter and destruction of their perceived enemies, the Buhari administration has gone into full throttle and unleashed even more havoc on members of the opposition and those that they hate.
A few examples will suffice.
A couple of weeks ago when my younger brother Mr. Deji Adeyanju, the stormy petrel of Nigerian political activism, together with his equally dynamic colleague Mr. Ariyo Dare Atoye, organised protest marches across the country demanding for the release of the great Biafran leader and irrepress​i​ble Igbo nationalist Prince Nnamdi Kanu, they were both promptly arrested and briefly detained by the police.
The same thing happened to them again in Abuja a few days later after they organised yet another demonstration, this time calling for the release of two online bloggers and journalists, Mr. Austin Okai and Miss Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo.
It didn’t stop there. Two days ago the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) went on a march in Unity Square, Abuja protesting about the continued mass murder, genocide, butchering and ethnic cleansing of their Christian brothers and sisters and people by Buhari’s kinsmen, the Fulani militias and herdsmen.
Amongst their ranks was the courageous, refreshing, young, articulate, brilliant and bright rising star of Nigeria’s Middle Belt zone, Miss Ndi Kato.
Sadly instead of being treated with sensitivity and compassion and being given assurances that the killings would stop and the killers would be brought to justice, they were insulted, beaten, brutalised and dispersed with batons and tear gas by the Nigerian police.
When elements of the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) group led by Mrs. Aisha Yesufu joined them as a mark of solidarity, they were brutalised and dispersed as well.
Worse still Aliyu Babangida, the former Governor of Niger State, Sule Lamido, the former Governor of Jigawa state, Ibrahim El Zakzaky, the leader of Nigeria’s Shiite Muslims, Sambo Dasuki, the former National Security Advisor to President Goodluck Jonathan and countless other opposition leaders and opponents of the government remain languishing in detention cells and prisons all over the country whilst plans are afoot to frame up and arrest numerous others like the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu.
This is clearly a government and a President of “no going back”. Like Shakespeare’s Macbeth they are “so far steeped in blood that should they wade no more, returning would be as tedious as to go over”.
Yet the price for their chosen path, their sheer cruelty and callousness and their sanguine disposition is very high.
It is not just a matter of Buhari possibly dying in office as a consequence of whatever it is that has afflicted him but also what the aftermath of his death will bring.
Baba Bisi Akande, a leading member of the APC and one of the most revered and credible figures in the country, has already fired a warning shot on behalf of the Vice President and the south-west by saying that nobody should mistake 2017 for 1993.
For those that are too young to know what he is saying is that if Buhari dies no-one should dream of scuttling Professor Yemi Osinbajo’s succession and thereby deprive the south-west of the Presidency like they did in 1993 when Chief MKO Abiola’s mandate was annulled by the northern military simply because they did not want a southern President.
This is a timely and useful intervention by Baba Akande but sadly it has fallen on deaf ears. The cabal and the ultra-conservative core north (which is the constituency that Buhari represents) has already made up its mind.
As a matter of fact the spokesman of the Northern Patriotic Assembly issued a prompt response to him yesterday and warned him and other “leaders from the south-west” to desist from making what they described as “such immoral and despicable statements”.
Again at the instance of the northern elders and leaders, the APC Youth Wing issued an even sterner warning and advised Akande to “go for a physchiatric test” for suggesting that the ill health of the President was taking its toll on the nation.
As far as these people are concerned the Presidency of Nigeria belongs to the north and whether Buhari lives or dies, it must stay there.
Worse still their view is that if they cannot have it then nobody will. That is the beastly mindset of those that we are contending with. And those that suffer from it will certainly come to an equally beastly end.
The truth is that President Muhammadu Buhari, his evil administration and those that they represent are venal and malevolent. They have been rejected by the Living God.
His is a government of compulsive liars, sadistic tyrants, blood-thirsty psychopaths, closet kleptomaniacs, ethnic supremacists, radical Islamists, skull and bone diviners and voodoo merchants.
The fact of the matter is that whether they like it or not we are entering the end game. Everything is coming to a head. The next few months will be instructive and critical and much will happen that will surprise and shock the world and the Nigerian people.
To the spiritually sensitive and discerning one thing is clear: this dispensation is almost over. The beast is dying. The flesh is rotting. The vultures are gathering. The sky has turned black and a new era approaches.
Yet even in sickness, death and decay the tyrant and his followers revel in deception, treachery, doublespeak, blood-lust and wickedness.
My advice to them is to humble themselves and FEAR GOD before it is too late!
My counsel to them is to let this sick and elderly man resign in peace and allow him to go home to take care of his health and make his peace with God.
My appeal to them is to be sensitive to the Spirit and to recognise the fact that he has been struck and mortally wounded by the sword of the Lord.
My prayer to them is to accept the fact that he has been pierced with the arrow of God, he has been hit by the east wind of destruction, he has been afflicted with a deep spiritual wound and he is suffering from God’s judgement: it is time for him to GO!

Thursday 4 May 2017

Ultimate Solution To Breast Cancer

Tamoxifen is a treatment for breast cancer how long should a patient take tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer?

Patients who have serious breast cancer may take tamoxifen for Different  time, depending on their response to this treatment. When used as adjuvant therapy for early stage breast cancer,.
  • How Often Should I Take Tamoxifen?
Studies have confirmed the benefit of taking tamoxifen daily for 5 years. These studies compared 5 years of treatment with tamoxifen with 10 years of treatment. When taken for 5 years, the drug reduces the risk of recurrence of the original breast cancer and also reduces the risk of developing a second primary cancer in the other breast.
  • What is Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen is an oral selective estrogen receptor modulator which is used in breast cancer treatment, and is currently the world’s largest selling breast cancer treatment. It is used for the treatment of early and advanced breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women. It is also approved by the FDA for the reduction of the incidence of breast cancer in women at high risk of developing the disease. It has been further approved for the reduction of contralateral (in the opposite breast) breast cancer.

  • Tamoxifen and Cancer

Tamoxifen is used to reduce the risk of breast cancer for women who:

1. are at high risk of breast cancer but have no personal history of the disease

2. have non-invasive, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer, or DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ)

3. have hormone-receptor-positive invasive breast cancer at any stage.

Tamoxifen is sometimes used to treat gynecomastia in men. Tamoxifen is also used by bodybuilders in a steroid cycle to try and prevent or reduce drug-induced gynecomastia caused by steroids that are used in the same cycle.

However Tamoxifen is also used to treat infertility in women with anovulatory disorders. A dose of 10-40 mg per day is administered in days 3-7 of a woman’s cycle.

Effect Of Drinking Water While Standing

It is not just about drinking 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. It matters in what position you have the water. Do you sit and drink water, or normally have it in passing, while standing?
Some experts have uncovered that it is no old wives tale when the elders in the family ask you to sit down and then gulp your water. In fact, it is a gem of an advise that you had better heed to for a healthy living. To make the most of the water we drink it is advised to sit down and have it in small sips than glug it down in a rush while standing.
Here are some shocking scientific reasons that tell you the difference it makes to your body when you have your water standing as opposed to sitting down.

  •  Standing and drinking water can cause arthritis

This may come as a greater shock to you if you have been in a practice of drinking water in a standing position, for you may well be affected by arthritis later in life. By drinking water standing you disrupt the balance of fluids in the body, and this often leads to a greater accumulation of fluids in the joints thus triggering arthritis.

  • Water splashes on the stomach wall when had standing

Health experts have it that by having water fast and in a standing position, you let it flow to your gut while splashing on the stomach wall. This shock from the splashing of water can cause long term damage to the digestive system as it harms the stomach wall and the gastrointestinal tract.

  •  You remain thirsty when you drink water standing

Your thirst is never fully quenched when you drink water in a standing position. You feel like drinking more water very frequently. It is better to sit in a place and have smaller sips to truly quench your thirst.

  •  You always suffer indigestion when you drink water standing

When you drink water sitting down your muscles and nervous system are much more relaxed and it triggers the nerves to quickly digest the fluid and with it other food items.
  • Your kidney doesn't filter water properly when had in standing position

Drinking water in a standing position doesn't help the filtration process of water by the kidneys. Often impurities remain in the kidneys and bladder which can lead to urinary tract disorder and even permanent damage to the kidneys.

  •  Drinking water in standing position doesn't dilute the acid levels in the body

Water must be consumed in slow, small swigs while sitting down. This helps to properly dilute the acid levels in the body by getting combined with the necessary proportion of water.

  •  Drinking water by standing causes ulcers and heartburn

When you drink water in a standing position it ends up splashing the lower half of the esophagus very hard. This in return can disturb the sphincter, which is the joint between the stomach and esophagus, and as a result the
esophagus experiences burning sensation because of the acids in the stomach flowing backward.

  • Your nerves are tense when you drink water standing

When you drink water standing, a ‘fight and flight system’ is activated which causes nerve tension in the body. But when you sit down and sip water, a parasympathetic system also referred to as the ‘rest and digest system’ comes into fray, this one helps to calm your senses and ease the process of digestion.
You had better sit down and drink your water before it is too late. Isn’t it?

Wednesday 3 May 2017

(Shocking) Nigeria Lady shares photos from her photo shoot

These Unique Photo's from these unidentified lady’s creative photo shoot has been circulating on the Internet

See people’s  reactions below;

Ronaldo revels in centre-forward role

No longer the flying winger of old, Cristiano Ronaldo showed his transformation to deadly centre forward has been completed to perfection as he netted a superb hat-trick in Real Madrid's 3-0 Champions League win over Atletico Madrid on Tuesday.
The Portuguese forward, who also scored a treble in the quarterfinal against Bayern Munich at the Santiago Bernabeu, and five goals across that tie, is revelling in the central striker's role he has adopted this season.
He was picked alongside Karim Benzema up front in Tuesday's first-leg clash and produced a performance that marked him out as arguably the world's best number nine, despite being a recent convert to the position.
While the 32-year-old's critics point out he has lost some of his pace and the dribbling ability that allowed him to terrorise fullbacks in the past, the forward proved again that he remains as deadly as ever inside the area.
Tuesday's treble took his tally for Real Madrid to 399 goals in 389 games, although the forward claims he scored another in 2010 that was officially awarded to defender Pepe.
“I am very happy for the goals and for reaching 400 goals with Real Madrid,” said Ronaldo, including the disputed effort.
“We have to congratulate the whole team, we were tremendous. It fell to me to score the goals. We played well from start to finish and the goals came naturally.”
As well as a positional switch, Ronaldo has had to deal this season with being rotated by French coach Zinedine Zidane, who has dropped the Portuguese for some of the team's away trips to keep him fresh for the big occasions.
This has paid dividends with Ronaldo netting eight times in his last three Champions League games and overtaking Alfredo di Stefano as the all-time top scorer in European Cup semi-finals with 13.
“He has the instinct for goals, he’s unique,” said Zidane. “Sometimes he needs to rest and he knows that because he’s intelligent.”
Barring a miracle comeback by Atletico in the second leg Ronaldo will spearhead his team in the final in Cardiff on June 3, with the Portuguese looking in perfect shape to add a fourth Champions League medal to his collection.

(Shocking) A Nigeria Woman gives birth to 38 children at age 37

Nigeria Woman
A 37 year old  Nigeria woman has 38 children, including Four sets of Triplets, Three sets of Quadruplets and Twins, A politician said on Wednesday,

County Councilor

Shocking See How Robbers Kill Two Men Traveling Along Kaduna-Abuja Road

Two men reportedly lost their lives in a robbery attack along the Kaduna-Abuja road yesterday as the robbers opened fire on the commercial bus the men were traveling in.

See Reason Why MTN sacked 280 workers

MTN Nigeria said it had to disengage 280 staff because it wanted to delve  into full Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and digital operations.

US President Was Privilege to meet Kim Jong-un

Just a day after calling North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un a 'smart cookie', U.S president, Donald Trump has revealed he'll be honored to meet the Asian leader but under the 'right conditions' as tensions between the U.S and North Korea have reached an all time high.
The U.S has deployed it's Navy warships to the Korean peninsula while

Six-Month-old baby Raped by her Mother's friend in Kano

Here's an update on the little girl, Khadijah Bashir, who was raped when she was 6 months old by her mother's friend. The suspected culprit reportedly hired 10 lawyers to defend him in court. The traumatized baby who is now 8 months old -is being treated at a hospital in Kano after undergoing surgery as her parents are unable to hire any legal representative due to lack of funds.

Read an update by Aishat Alubankudi who visited the baby in the hospital.

Today, I visited Khadija Bashir at Murtala Muhammad Teaching hospital. She is just 8month old and was raped at 6month by husband of her mother's friend. I couldn't hold my tears when Khadija's fathershow me pictures of how she was brutalised by the rapist. She was bleeding and sperm was coming from her private part even after the surgery.

The culprits are currently in prison custody and they hired lawyers to cover their shame. They are also intimidating the father of the baby.

Her poor father is the one putting her medical bills and he need our assistance. Some NGOs in Abuja and Lagos have indicated their interest to help the parent. The help coming from Kano is discouraging.
We are calling on Kano state government, Civil society organisations and wealthy individuals to assist in anyway possible.

Nigerian President Set to invite Anthony Joshua to Nigeria ‎

President Muhammadu Buhari led government has congratulated British professional boxer of Nigerian descent Anthony Oluwafemi Joshua, who recently defeated Ukranian Wladimir Klitschko to become the unified World Heavyweight Champion

Additional head attached to a New Born Baby stomach in India

 Having twin babies is always a thing of joy, but there are great risks associated with it, one of them being having conjoined twins or parasitic twins and that was the case of an unnamed 21-year-old woman who recently gave birth to a baby girl with an extra head sticking out of her stomach

Alexis Ohanian Gushes About Fiancee Serena Williams, Says She Has the 'Biggest Heart'

Pregnant Serena Williams and her fiance Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian on Monday attended the Met Gala in New York. Alexis gushes about his pregnant queen of court fiance in an interview by Humans of New York photographer, Brandon Stanton.

“She has the biggest heart.  Everyone sees her success as an athlete, but all of that is layered on the size of her heart. She gives 100% of herself to everything she does: as a friend, as a lover, and soon, as a mother,” Alexis said about Serena.

Best-Selling Author, Jean Stein commits suicide


Author, Jean Stein who wrote best-selling oral histories has died in New York City at the age of 83. Authorities say Stein killed herself by jumping from the penthouse floor of a building in upper Manhattan on Sunday and was pronounced dead at the scene.
 Until her death, Stein was a former editor at the Paris Review.A spokesperson at Random House, which published her most recent book, the well-received West of Eden: An American Place, issued the shortest of statements in response: ‘Random House is deeply saddened by the death of Jean Stein.’

Resolve To Take Control Of Your Finances

Invest into your  future, you need to make sure that your outgoing expenses are less than what you are receiving as income. You need to develop yourself to excess that you can have something  to invest.The only way to create an excess it to spend less than you earn, instead of spending all that you earn.

Even doctors and lawyers, who earn well over millions  per year, often end up at retirement at their old age with little more Net Worth than factory or office workers.
Net Worth is known by removing the value of all the things you need or loans you have from the income-producing assets you have to give you the net value of your income-producing assets. 
Why are high-income earners  not retiring wealthy? Why don’t they end up with a greater Net Worth than someone on a low income? It is quite simple. Human nature seems to dictate that whatever anyone earns….they spend….some even spend more than they earn and charge it on their credit card.
The higher your income grows…the more you spend and the only way to get out of this cycle is to know  that it is happening, and make an  effort to change  this habit….and to start reducing your spending  so that you can free up money to invest into your future.
The best way to in vest into your future  is to try the 10/90 plan. This plan simply means that as soon as you receive your pay….you put aside 10% of it for investment….and then use the other 90% to liveyour life off. Put aside the 10%, and then pay all the bills and do the shopping and any other thing you need to do and then after that whatever is remaining you can spend.
Many people do it the wrong way around they pay the bills, do the shopping and spend what is left over, forgetting to save or invest. 
Note:By taking the investment money out first you will alleviate the temptation to spend it.
The road to wealth is not determined by how much you earn, but by how you manage the income you have and how much you save and invest.

You need to take control of your finances. One of the best ways to start having more control over your money is to find out where it has all been going, and then amend your spending habits to allow you to live within the 10/90 plan.
If you write down a list of your monthly net income, then in another column write down a list of the essential items that you have to spend money on. You should be able to work out an average for telephone, gas, electricity, insurances and rates, from your previous bills. Work out an average of how much is spent on grocery shopping and petrol. If there are any other necessary utilities include them as well. Then remove the second column from the first – and this will give you the maximum potential savings for each month. 
Another good learning experience is to simply write down for a fortnight every dollar spent and write next to it what it was for. You will soon find that there are a lot of unnecessary expenses, often caused by impulse buying, where you have spent money on items that you neither needed or really wanted, and could easily have gone without. 
When you can begin to discover these areas, and start to change  whether or not you are spending your money wisely, before you hand it over, then you will be beginning to take control over your money and are well on the way to embarking on your investment journey, which will enable you to have a financially secure future for you and your children.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Ultimate Cheat Sheet On How To Keep Your Penis

As a man, keeping your penis healthy and sweet is important. Your sexual organs are very valuable and must be cared for.

Cyber Crime Notification By Police Men

Image result for cyber crime
Police have put out a notification termed Cyber Crime ... and action will be taken...
Don't forward any posts or videos etc., u receive  regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc

Monday 1 May 2017

Ultimate cheat sheet on how to earn money from a Facebook page

Image result for facebook money 

This is what people Always ask Is There any way to make money from Facebook? So Today, I decided to share with you Ultimate cheat sheet on how to earn money from a Facebook page. most people use the Facebook for different reasons,  Do you know most of the people use it only to get likes, share and chat with their friends and some people want to promote their business through it. Do you still know Facebook is the top visiting social website all over the world and it has millions users and  it increases day by day.

Facebook doesn't  give the opportunity to earn money directly from post or video. on youtube you can monetize our videos and can earn from it. But there are some techniques which can help to make money from Facebook.

 Best Ways to Make money Through Facebook

  •  Sell Product Via Facebook Marketplace

Facebook allows their users to buy or sell products through its marketplace. If you have your own branded products like mobiles, vehicles, t-shirts, laptops, and so on then you can sell through Facebook and can get handsome revenue from it. Facebook provides an advertising program, which will send very highly targeted traffic for your products.

  • Make money from Facebook Through affiliates program

You can promote the other products and can get a good commission through it f you don’t want to invest money or don’t have anything to sell then no worry,Simply sign up to, click bank, amazon, eBay or other relevant site and create an affiliate account and select some products which want you to sell. Just paste its affiliate link on your FB page. Any who buy a product through your link you will earn the commission.

  • Sell your Facebook fan page posts.

This is the easiest way to make money from the Facebook page. If you have a big fan page, then you can sell its posts. There many sites that offer to sell or buy the FB page posts, but I would recommend If have a Facebook page with minimum 1000 fans then you can apply here.

  • Earn  Money through

This new fast growing website which offers for their members to make money from Facebook and other social networks. They are paying for simple & fast action such as share a post on social media, like a Facebook page, visit various websites and watching a video, etc. Get will pay you for very action when you complete. The action rate depends on the nature of the task, usually they 0.05 to 1$ per action. To join this site, simply click here.

So, friends, these are some ways to earn money from Facebook. But in these ways, you need hard work and patience. First of all, need to establish an outstanding fan page and work to get more fans. Once you get a big fan page, then you make $$ from your page.