Monday 12 June 2017


A few men are normally timid while some don't know how to begin. The thing is, charming a young lady out in the open is basic and a great deal less demanding than when she's distant from everyone else. Here, we have put this down to enable you to take care of business, Lol. Read deliberately to the end. 

5 Foods To Avoid Before Sleeping With Your Partner – Take Note!

Image result for man and woman on bed
$3x is not kidding business. What's more, you have to get ready for it each time. Be that as it may, your decision of nourishment may decide your execution level, so be guided. 

Barcelona shirts prohibited in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi experts have prohibited football fans from wearing Barcelona shirt which is being supported by Qatar Airways, with a conceivable 15-year jail sentence and £120,000 fine on the off chance that anybody is gotten. The boycott comes after Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Yemen and the Maldives removed all ties with its neighbor, after they blamed Qatar for supporting fanatic gatherings. In spite of the fact that, Qatar have rejected the cases

Photographs: Nigerian Man Arrested For Raping A Beauty Queen In Kenya

Daniel Entony Daberechukwu has been charged in court for purportedly assaulting a 19-yearight-old grounds magnificence, Miss United States International University Africa (USIU), Nneka Enyantu Obi.

Victoria Beckham's child trolls her via web-based networking media (photograph)

Flavor Girl turned form planner, Victoria Beckham got trolled via web-based networking media by her second child, Romeo. He shared a photograph of his mother wearing an orange top with green jeans and contrasted it and photographs of carrot. He essentially subtitled the photograph; "Amusing"

Lady who purportedly brought false alert up in Major Mahama's murder recognized (Photo)

The lady who purportedly gave the false alert that prompted the lynching of Major Maxwell Adam Mahama at Denkyira-Obuasi, the Central Region of Ghana, has been recognized as Akosua Takyiwaa, otherwise known as Maame Bono

The Fiance Who Loves His Girl's Friends To Bits

As Ife helped her companions into an extend Hummer she'd composed to take them all to the dance club where they'd arranged a "hen" party for Fade, her closest companion, she had no notion of the bad dream that would later unfurl. "We'd begun drinking from another companion's home where we had all gathered. When we got to the club near midnight, we were slushed. The music was boisterous, as were we – and the discussion got increasingly blue as the night went on. A great deal of men came up and requesting that we move. They needed to know who the hen was for and whether she needed a 'last piece of fun' before getting hitched", Ife said. Ill defined man ''It was riotous and well-meaning yet I was mindful so as not to get excessively lively with the folks. I was next on the rundown to get hitched and was frantically enamored with my hubby-to-be, Mayowa. We'd known each other from our optional school years and stayed companions until he went off to college. As so frequently happens, we floated separated and didn't see each other again until a year prior to when we met very by shot, amid a night out with companions. "Things grabbed before long from that point and we turned into a thing. He was beguiling, smart and better than average organization. Every one of my companions loved him and were excited when, after only a time of going out, he requesting that I wed him. Mayowa appeared to like my companions as well, and appreciated their conversation. 1 was soon to discover he delighted in it rather excessively! It's regularly the situation when a gathering of young ladies go out on the town that at a certain point, one of them will get spent and dreadful – because of a lot of alcohol. That night was the same and it was Nkechi, a great companion who was looking sullen. "You know you're a fortunate young lady to have Mayowa," she slurred. 'I know,' I concurred with her, not having any desire to gloat but rather pleased to hear one of my companions sing the commendations of my beguiling life partner. 'He's tall, attractive, fit body,' proceeded with Nkechi, 'and great in bed too … " The music was uproarious however I was certain I'd heard right. I was stunned. I snatched her by the wrist and requested, 'what did you simply say?' She took a gander at me with smashed eyes and spat, 'you heard me. Your Mr. Flawless is no holy person you know.' Despite the commotion of the music, whatever is left of our gathering could hear the climate was turning monstrous. "1 got Nkechi's augmentations and pulled back her head. 'You're making this up. Why are you running my life partner down?' Bouncers appear to have an intuition with regards to inconvenience and are spot hands at getting it out of their bar as fast as could reasonably be expected. Two of them showed up from no place and remained amongst Nkechi and I and urged us to proceed with our spat outside. "I was somewhat combative at this stage. "I would not!' I started before a solid arm wrapped around me and I was half guided, half conveyed to the entryway. Nkechi developed seconds after me. The general population attempting to get into the bar recognized what was coming next and they cheered as I went for her. That is the point at which another companion Julie arrived. Seeing things could get truly dreadful, she endeavored to play peacemaker. She bombed pitiably. 'Goodness gone ahead both of you,' she argued. 'Quiet down before the police are called. Go ahead Ife, don't demolish your closest companion's hen night. How about we go elsewhere … " That's when Nkechi dropped her second stunner. 'The truth is out Julie; quiet everything down. You wouldn't need Ife to get some answers concerning you and Mayowa … " It hit me like a punch. Julie was my best and most-put stock in companion. She would have been my cleaning specialist of respect. Unquestionably she hadn't laid down with Mayowa as well? I took a gander at her and the appropriate response was in her eyes, I was stunned. 'Why you … " I shrieked, propelling myself at her. She's 

Stories continue
somewhat taller than me, however I was started up with fierceness and she lurched back as I collided with her. I was ambiguously away that the general population outside the club were going crazy. It more likely than not been a significant floor appear for them. "The bouncers swam in again and right then and there a squad car moved up. Spending the night in a cell was not something I fancied, so I constrained myself to quiet down. In any case, the fury inside me was appalling. At last, after the police had addressed us and convinced me not to tear both Julie and Nkechi's heads off, I stepped off down to the corner where a couple taxicabs were arranged. " As late as it was the point at which I returned home, I needed to call Mayowa and go up against him. In any case, what was the point? I comprehended what Nkechi said was valid. It wasn't something she would lie about The following day was terrible. Hung over and tearstained, I made myself not too bad for the encounter that was to come. Gratefully, the wrath had ebbed away in the night, however I was left with a yawning sentiment vacancy. When Mayowa let me into his level, I instructed him to overlook the wedding, letting him know of my two companions' admissions. Amazingly, he attempted to ignore it and guaranteed that he'd quite recently laid down with my companions in the wake of having excessively to drink. He revealed to me it was no major ordeal, that a considerable measure of men do it with their sweethearts' companions. "Did I know this man by any means? Perhaps Nkechi and Julie have helped me out. I positively would prefer not to be hitched to a man who can't keep his pants up after two or three brews. What could have been a night to practice my own particular hen-party had transformed into the most noticeably bad night of my life. "Since we are both in our mid-twenties and by and large, we may have hurried into things a bit. Presently I need to begin searching for an appropriate accomplice, and with What I'd quite recently experienced, it will be a hell of an exertion

Kourtney Kardashian parades her figure in Swimsuit

The mother-of-three made a white hot show while grounding in Miami with child Reign and companion Larsa Pippen Saturday. More photos......

(Breaking News)Some Yoruba pioneers in Buhari's govt 've sold us out — Ayo Adebanjo

CHIEF Ayo Adebanjo
CHIEF Ayo Adebanjo, a senior statesman is a chieftain of the skillet Yoruba socio-political association, Afenifere. A staunch supporter of the late Obafemi Awolowo, Boss Adebanjo is one of the main voices in the South West area and he doesn't mince words on issues that influence the nation. In this meeting,

(Breaking News)How I got my casualties, made billions from them – Evans

EVANS, hijacker who gathered $1m recover from one casualty •Begs for another possibility, says he'll change to a superior individual •Reveals part in prematurely ended capture of The Young Shall Grow manager

(Breaking News)Sovereign Eze Madumere Weds Chioma Oyekaba, His third Wedding

Congrats are all together for Imo Appointee Representative, Sovereign Eze Madumere as he discovers love again in the arms of Chioma Oyekaba. It will be reviewed that the State Delegate Representative, had hitched a first spouse, who bore him four kids before they separated. He got hitched to a moment spouse, Barr. Adaego Nosiri from the same Mbieri, Mbaitoli LGA, before the marriage met another brickwall. 

What's more, yesterday, he held a brilliant thanksgiving with his recently marry spouse, Miss Chioma Rosemary who hails from Isiukwuato in Abia State as reports uncovered that the customary wedding was covertly done couple of months back
Well done to the couple!
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(Breaking News)Aminu Suleiman bolsters Northern young people's final proposal to Igbos

An individual from the Place of Agents from Kano State has bolstered the call by the Coalition of Northern Adolescents that all the Igbo ought to abandon northern Nigeria before October. 

Rep Aminu Suleiman, who seats the House Panel on Tertiary Instruction, said individuals from eastern piece of the nation couldn't hold Nigeria to emancipate through their withdrawal dangers and different exercises. 

"I have perused the announcement of the Northern Adolescents Coalition. I may not totally say I share their vision 100 for every penny; except they have discovered a supporter in me, on the grounds that the general population of eastern Nigeria have taken this nation to deliver. 
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"They have been making difficult issues this nation; they caused the common war, which got backwardness this nation. They have been utilizing incitement to draw in more consideration than different parts of the nation," he said. 

The administrator likewise denounced some northern tip top, particularly the Kaduna State Senator, Nasir el-Rufai, for requesting the capture of the northern young people. 

"Individuals like el-Rufai simply played to the exhibition. I censure him totally to come out to issue capture warrant against the northern young people. Where was el-Rufai when IPOB and other secessionist bunches in the South East were calling for withdrawal? 

Don't they have governors? Don't they have senior citizens? Why didn't they alert them?" he inquired.

Mabel Makun cautions Freda Francis to avoid AY, her better half

While Iyanya's ex, Freda Francis may have kept her gathering off online networking, her companion, Entertainer AY, was under no such commitment and chosen to commend the hopeful mother with a selfie, which he shared via web-based networking media. In any case, it appears she now has a greater inconvenience to confront with AY's better half. 
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Mabel Makun took to Instagram at the beginning of today to give the pregnant MedSpa manager, a stern cautioning of avoiding her family while sharing a coy Whatsapp talk screenshot. Yes folks, this is truly happening now and trust Lailasblog to present to you the full substance.

Thursday 8 June 2017


WHY PEOPLE MARRY THE WRONG PERSON : ALL UNMARRIED MUST READ THIS BEFORE MARRIAGE. Many married people are daily regretting and cursing their marriages. If you are single, know the reasons why people marry wrong persons and end their marriages in bitter separations or live to endure it. 

1. YOU FOCUS MORE ON CHEMISTRY THAN ON CHARACTER Principle: Never marry someone because you’re in love. Falling in love is a state of temporary psychosis. It is the “delusion of fusion.” Identify the specific character traits you must have in your spouse and know clearly how to asses for each one. Background checks are essential, Be especially careful to check out the family. People from warm & loving homes will most likely be emotionally healthy people. Chemistry means there is physical and sexual attraction. Compatibility: Looking for sameness: same backgrounds, culture, language, interests,politics etc. Temperament types are important to know.

2. YOU EXPECT HIM OR HER TO CHANGE AFTER YOU'RE MARRIED The question you must ask is, “Can I live with this person the way he is now and be happy with him?” Principle: Never marry potential. This implies bad potential. He’s a chronic smoker and drunkard & says he’ll change for you. This is bad potential. If he doesn't change you’ll resent him. 
3. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS OF MEN AND WOMEN This is all about making sure the male-female energies are in sync. Men and women each have one core emotional need. Men want to be respected. Women want to be cherished, which means they want to be protected, provided for, and guided. The ultimate prerequisite for a man to get married is that he is ready to take responsibility.He has to be ready to be a “man.” 
4. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING This means knowing what you stand for in life: Your values, priorities, and goals. Ideally you should not be considering marriage until you've answered life’s most important question: What am I living for? Two people who have the same life goal have a much greater chance of growing together and staying together in a deeply bonded way. A soul mate is a goal mate. Principle: The more clearly and narrowly we define ourselves, the better our chance of finding the right person. Tools: What are we going to build together? What are this person’s life commitments? What does this person stand for? What is he passionate about?  

5. YOU GET INVOLVED S*XUALLY TOO QUICKLY Becoming intimate too soon can be self-defeating because it creates confusion. • It may create a false sense of commitment and depth. • It may block you from processing your feelings which is soul-tie • It may lead to overlooking problems that should not be overlooked. 
6. YOU CHOOSE SOMEONE WHO IS ABUSIVE The definition of an abusive relationship is one in which you are afraid to express your feelings and opinions. Other indicators: • You don’t feel emotionally safe. • You have to monitor what you say. • You walk on egg shells around this person. • You don’t feel relaxed and don’t feel you can be yourself. • The person is demanding, controlling, or communicates with anger and criticism. 
7. YOU DO NOT HAVE A CONSISTENTLY POSITIVE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH EACH OTHER A positive emotional connection does not mean you are in love. Five questions to evaluate if you have a positive emotional connection: → Do I respect and admire this person? → Do I trust this person in every way and feel I can rely on his or her judgment? → Do I feel totally safe with this person (like I feel with my best friend)? → Do I truly care about this person and have a desire to give to him or her? → Are we open and honest with each other about our feelings and opinions? Your greatest tool for measuring the quality of the relationship is your feelings. Principle: Never dismiss anything that bothers you! Process everything that bothers you.

8. YOU DON'T COMMUNICATE WELL: This is very important: You must be sure before you get married that the two of you communicate well. Good communication means: √ We can talk openly and honestly about our feelings √ We listen to each other and make it safe for each other to express ourselves. √ There is no defensiveness √ We trust that together we can resolve problems √ We have confidence in ourselves that we can repair our breakdowns √ We work well together; we’re a good team PRINCIPLE: U must be able to repair breakdowns 100%, which means there is no resentment or bad feelings left over. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to believe that marriage will heal or fix their deep inner pain. In many cases, marriage will only make the pain greater; more unbearable!

DOWNLOAD Another University Group S**x Video Goes Viral From Nigeria (Video)

If you come across any indecent photos, le-aks, nudes, se.xtapes or videos, bring them to us. The best browser to use for our website is google chrome or mozila Firefox. Do not ignore this warning and say you can not download our videos. Thank You.

Mother killed newborn baby with Scissors and puts body in Waste-bin, while her boyfriend played XBox

A woman stabbed her newborn baby girl to death seconds after she was born and put her lifeless body in the kitchen bin.
Preston Crown Court heard Rachel Julie Tunstill stabbed her newborn daughter Mia Kelly 15 times in the bathroom of the Burnley flat she shared with her partner, Ryan Kelly and told her partner that suffered a miscarriage after she went into labour on the toilet on January 14.According to prosecutors, Tunstill, who has a masters degree in forensic psychology, carried out the murder as her partner of nine years sat oblivious in the next room playing on his X-box.Prosecutors heard how Tunstill gave birth to baby Mia on the toilet of her home in Burnley, Lancs, before later telling cops she had not flushed baby Mia “as she had done with her previous miscarriage”.She told police the baby had a small cut to the back of its neck but offered no explanation as to how it got there.The jury heard the defendant never attempted to revive the baby, claiming she didn’t know how – but work records show she had a successfully passed a first aid course in adult and child resuscitation.Giving evidence, Ryan described how Tunstill made little noise during the three hours she was in the bathroom, but for around 20 minutes he heard an unfamiliar high-pitched sound “which was like water being squeezed out of a plastic bottle”.The court heard once baby Mia was dead, Tunstill wrapped her body in two plastic bags, walked past her 

boyfriend and placed the body in the bin.Authorities were only made aware of the death two days later when Tunstill went to hospital claiming she felt an abnormality while showering and feared the miscarriage wasn’t complete.The jury was told examinations showed the abnormal growth was the umbilical chord still attached to the placenta.Tunstill told nurses that she had only been pregnant for around five weeks but more intrusive examinations suggested she had been pregnant for longer.Mrs Blackwell said it is the prosecution’s case that she had been pregnant for between 36 and 37 weeks.The jury was told police went to the hospital and the defendant allegedly told officers that Mr Kelly had put baby Mia in an outside bin.After cops seized her iPad and mobile, they discovered internet searches including “bringing about abortion”, and results about a man who had been arrested for the murder his own children.Defending lawyer, Simon Kealey said:“There is no dispute that the baby was born alive and that the baby died as a result of a number of stab wounds. But the precise process by which that occurred the defendant has no recollection of.”Tunstill denies murder and the hearing continues.

Any act of war will consume the North - Fani-Kayode warns

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Former minister of aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode has said any slaughter of Igbos in the north will lead to a swift retaliation throughout the south. gathered that the former minister in reaction to the three months eviction notice on Igbos in the north by the Coalition of Northern Youths (CNY), warned that this time around, any act of war will consume the North who believe they own Nigeria. Fani-Kayode via his Facebook page said those that gave the Igbos quit notice in the north are playing with fire. Read his message below: "The northern youths must be warned and told in very clear terms. This is not 1966. Any pogrom or slaughter of Igbos in the north will lead to a swift, immediate and devastating retaliation throughout the south. Those that gave the Igbo quit notice in the north are playing with fire and that fire will consumme them.

They are opening the gates of hell and they will enter that gate. They are plunging us into darkness and we shall enter that darkness together. Nigeria belongs to us all. I urge the core Muslim northern elders and leaders to call their youths to order before they spark off a series of events and a crisis that may not only lead to a second civil war but will also lead to the end of Nigeria. This time around the Igbo are not alone. An attack on them is an attack on every southerner and every Middle Belter. And such an attack will have grave and unfathomable consequences."

CCTV Footage of a Robbery Attack in Zenith Bank Emerges Online(Video)

On the 22nd of February 2017, a four-man armed robbery gang stormed Zenith bank branch in Owerri, Wetheral Road, Imo State.
According to report, the attack left about three policemen dead, five customers with injuries with one of the robbers dead.
Earlier reports had stated that the robbers trailed a bank customer with a huge deposit to the bank, shot the customer dead and escaped with the money.
CCTV footage of the attack has emerged online which shows a gun battle between the robbers and some policemen attached to the bank.
In the video footage shared by a Facebook user, one of the robbers was shot dead by a brave MOPOL officer attached to the bank’s security team.

The robbers, who arrived in a black Hyundai car, have since been arrested by the police.
After six weeks of investigation, ring leader – Justice Ogbenna, aka JJ, and getaway driver Okechukwu Onwuamaegbu– were arrested in Aba, Abia State by operatives of the Imo State Police Command during activities marking JJ’s father’s burial.

See video below:

Meet man who stole a phone, uses the phone to posts his pictures on victim's social media page

Man steals phone, posts pictures on victim's page with it
This man in the pictures below can safely be assumed to be the 'world's dumbest thief' following his actions. The thief whose name is yet to be ascertained, had reportedly taken over the Whatsapp profile of a man whose phone he had stolen earlier.
According to the original owner of the phone, Chris Martin II, who shared his plight on Facebook, the man stole his valuables alongside his phone and he was able to get hold of the thief's pictures after he shared them on Whatsapp. "Phone Thief!!! So, whoever this guy is stole my phone and my valuables. My phone pouch had several of my credit cards, bank debit cards, full British Drivers License, Nigerian Drivers License, business cards and other very important stuff that I hold dear. The audacious thief was foolish enough to stunt with my whatsapp profile on the stolen phone. This is obviously how I got these pictures of him. All entreaties to him to return my stolen properties has been to no avail. Honestly, the importance of any phone isn't the monetary value but the value of all the important information stored inside. I need my items back. I don't care about getting him arrested, I just want my phone and my stuff back. Please help me restore faith in humanity. Help me find this guy. I believe someone on here must know this chap. He must be based in PH City. Please share until we find him. Many thanks in advance."
See Photo Below
Man steals phone, posts pictures on victim's page with it

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Nigerian lady Exposed how she saved her cheating boss from being caught red-handed by her husband

A Nigerian lady narrated on Twitter how she saved her boss’s marriage.
Apparently, her boss was cheating on her husband and she used her as a shield.

Well, read below;