Friday 19 May 2017


Most times, it is guys who fall prey to these kinds of faux pas. Even though you might not mean any harm, guys, you should be sensitive enough never to say or ask any of these. I am sure the ladies will totally agree with me.
  •   Why are you single? Dude, even if you want to ask her out, that’s just wrong. It makes things awkward, especially if she is not single of her own choice.
  •  When will you get married? You might feel because she is dating, this is an okay question to strike up a conversation but then, you don’t know the state of her relationship so why should you go poking in something you know nothing about? 
  •   I think you shouldn’t eat that This one is usually directed at women on the heavier side or pregnant women. You are not her doctor. She knows what is good for her. There is no need for you to make her feel uncomfortable just because you can’t mind your business.
  • Does your kid talk/walk/have teeth yet? Obviously, you are trying to compare your child with hers and that is just wrong. Supposing her child is not doing any of those yet, you will just make her worry, especially if she is a first-time mom. 
  •  Why don’t you like me/ what do you need me to do to make you like me? That you have to ask this question means there is a serious problem. Pal, save yourself a headache and move on.
  •   What is that? (referring to a scar or mark on the body) The lady may have had a terrible experience and asking might ruin her mood so unless something leads to it, just leave it alone. 
  •  How old are you? Never ask this is public. Will you use her age to go to the market?


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