Monday 5 June 2017


After camping in the town over the weekend, The Nairobian can now reveal that competition is indeed tough and s*x workers resort to ‘waganga’ to cast more than sexual charms, especially on the long distance truck drivers.
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A fortnight ago for instance, an elderly truck driver and his ‘turn boy’ were fired by their boss after he found them lodging with a young woman. The two had allegedly lied to him that the truck had developed mechanical problems for a week.
Jack, a miraa trader who witnessed the drama told The Nairobian: “The driver is well-known here. He has been making stopovers whenever he passes by to spend a day or two with the woman. Unfortunately, his boss showed up with a mechanic who established that there was nothing wrong with the truck!”
Some of the truck drivers and turn boys on transit are said to have ‘temporary wives’ and homes, where they spend days or weeks before proceedings to Mombasa or other destinations.
“A lot of things happen in this town. Just look around, we have too many witchdoctors around here,” he said.
A worker at one of the lodgings who spoke to us on condition of anonymity said: “It’s not a secret that a number of women nowadays use ‘kamuti’ (black magic) to lure drivers and turn boys. Sometimes we find shocking things when cleaning the rooms. Not long ago, we found a dried chameleon stuffed in a mattress.
“If you check well, a number of women around these lodgings and restaurants have beads tied around their waists or ankles. These are not for beauty. They are charms given by witchdoctors to boost their businesses,” she revealed.
Juma one of the drivers blames the weighbridge, saying it forced them to camp at Mlolongo.
“Besides, some of us spend months on the road without meeting our spouses. What do you expect when a human being like me is shown ‘flesh’ when ‘hungry’?” he asked.
He however did not rule out chances that the women may have used juju to trap some of his colleagues, saying: “I know some of my friends who never pass this town without picking a prostitute for s*x on transit while the turn boy takes over the steering. Others spend the night in houses of women whose rent they pay.”
Religious leaders meanwhile say that the only way to end the vice is through crusades and prayer rallies.
Source:The Nairobian


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